Hi Guys, enquiry about 2nd guitar + amp


Hi guys. After lurking for some time, i have decided to register and post =) So dont be too hard on me hahas.

Still a beginner guitar player, only knowing basic chords, barre chords, power chords, strumming, simple guitar solos like Holiday -- Greenday.

Having a SX Stratocaster copy beginners set for $200 last year after end of year exams, and having learnt guitar till now, still a beginner, i started to find this guitar + amp set abit uninspiring to play.

This year is my "O"s year, and my parents promised if i do well, i probably can get anything in the budget of ~$1000. Hence i decided to get a 2nd guitar + amp set.

I listen to stuff like Megadeth, Slayer, Metallica, Steve Vai, Black Sabbath, Trivium, Papa Roach.. leaning towards the trash metal genre.

If possible, please advise on what guitar to get, and what amplifier to get, to get a trashy metal sound.. but these 2 must fall under $1000. And also according to these specs below if possible.

Body: Superstrat or Flying V or anything which looks "Metal" No Lespaul or SG, looks too traditional. NO Stratocasters or Teles.
Pickups: EMG pickups, Seymour Duncan Pickups
No. Of Frets: 22 or 24
Neck: Preferably thin.

Anything you guys find good.

Help me in choosing please.
wah, wish my parents wud do the same...tis year my o's too....

if metal guitars i think ltd are suitable...do explore alot of possiblities b4 deciding and concentrate of o's!

Good Luck to u and me haha!
Hi :O. I'm not sure about the guitar.. but i think an ibanez, jackson or LTD should all suit ur needs.

For amp, i think a roland cube 30 is great for high-gain stuff like metal etc..

Good Luck for your exams.
schecters have all the above except for thin necks i think. an omen might be within budget, but for a good amp u probably gotta spend a little more. best is get both second hand hoho
No Lespaul or SG

Tell that to Iommi and Zakk Wylde! Well, I would rather recommend a kickass amp than a kickass guitar.. After getting used to 2 by 12", others simply don't cut it anymore.. Randall amps, with their heavy sounding Celestion Seventy 80's installed, are awesome for heavier applications.. Give Sound drive amps some consideration as well..

Most LTDs, especially the 50 series and onwards, are killer guitars.. Cheap too..
Most Ibanez guitars (especially their RG series; recommend a 2nd hand RG350EX) would fit the bill, but they don't offer EMGs or Duncans.. Actually, you shouldn't even look at brand, rather at the tone of the model of the pickups.. And the floating bridge may not be appealing for beginners..
Most Jackson guitars, maybe a Dinky second hand or something, also fit the bill..
no lespaul? sobsob...even kirk hammet uses lespaul.

good guitar/amp depends. are u planning this to be long term? do u jam often? gigging?
if u generally play at home, then yes, a good amp is very important. if u jam and do gigs, more should be concentrated to guitar.

another thing: do u rely on amp distortion or pedals? a whole different world.

to answer your question:
guitar:LTDs are definitely recommended for the metal look an good workmanship for their prices.some LTDs come with EMGs. if not, you sure can change them, no? if not, epiphones have their explorer and flying Vs.
amp: roland cube 30x gives u on board distortions and effects. this if u want hassle-free(pedal-free). if not, get a simple amp and give pedals a try.

but if i were u, i'll buy the stuffs one by one. with the 1000, get a good amp first. save some more, get a good guitar.
i didnt think a jackson would fit in his budget, thats why i didnt put it in. hehe.

but cheers to TS for at least specifying what he needs and wants.
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Just to add on, if u wanna buy flying v's, get a jackson(maybe rr3 or something like that) its of a better quality...

the current Kramer V-type guitars are great, here's one: http://theguitaraddict.blogspot.com/2008/02/kramer-vanguard.html

respect the guitar, brand name should be secondary.

What you can do with that 1000 bucks with 2nd hand equipments...

Ibanez RG321 - arnd 500 plus
Zoom 707II - arnd 150 plus
Marshall G15RCD - 150plus

Total = 800plus

Enjoy... :)
U have many choices, u can get an ibanez, cort, ltd,...
amp, you may try peavey, roland etc...
effects, u may try getting multi-efx pedal, like korg ax1500g or newer models...
thanks for the fast and many replies from you guys.. for me im still a bedroom player, not in any band yet.. maybe i can get a amp first for my birthday?
Let me slowly consider some of the options offered by the various members first, since the real products dont come until november which is after my "O"s
I think what ur looking for is an ESP brand guitar.. It's got the pickups u wanted and they all look super ultra cool. Go check them out.. For ur amps, i'm nt that sure about it cuz i do not have the luxury to try all sorts of amps out.. Hope this helps
Do well for ur exams...den can look at ur parents innocently and asked for a bigger budget. hehe jus kidding aight.

hmmm dun know if dis is true for all...usually metal guitarist have only single pickup and vol knob on their guitar. minimalist.
some of the guitars are downtuned.

like this one : http://www.ranguitars.com/cannibal-corpse.htm
or this one, the RL600, : http://www.espguitars.com/news/news_messe-models.html

what pedal effects depends on individual.
marshall amps should be alrite.

gd luck on ur exams. dun disappoint urself n us. :)
Do well for ur exams...den can look at ur parents innocently and asked for a bigger budget. hehe jus kidding aight.

hmmm dun know if dis is true for all...usually metal guitarist have only single pickup and vol knob on their guitar. minimalist.
some of the guitars are downtuned.

like this one : http://www.ranguitars.com/cannibal-corpse.htm
or this one, the RL600, : http://www.espguitars.com/news/news_messe-models.html

what pedal effects depends on individual.
marshall amps should be alrite.

gd luck on ur exams. dun disappoint urself n us. :)
how come only single pickup? wat does it actually do to the sound? and btw side track abit...mine has got 3 pickups i think, not sure wat u call the one just below the fretboard, the guys at swee lee said very difficult to make the metal sound, true or false? sorry, noob here :D
how come only single pickup? wat does it actually do to the sound? and btw side track abit...mine has got 3 pickups i think, not sure wat u call the one just below the fretboard, the guys at swee lee said very difficult to make the metal sound, true or false? sorry, noob here :D

hey there...

hope this link helps explain:

placement of the pick up does influence the sound produced.
metal sound easy or not to get i cant really answer that.
usually the sound is crunchy, and low toned. but this is not rule of the thumb.
the KORN downtuned their guitars really really low.
it depends also on the effects pedals used.
some like BOSS blues driver or metal core, or Ibanez Smashbox, or digitech death metal.

do get others opinions yeah :) i strongly encouraged that.
hey there...

hope this link helps explain:

placement of the pick up does influence the sound produced.
metal sound easy or not to get i cant really answer that.
usually the sound is crunchy, and low toned. but this is not rule of the thumb.
the KORN downtuned their guitars really really low.
it depends also on the effects pedals used.
some like BOSS blues driver or metal core, or Ibanez Smashbox, or digitech death metal.

do get others opinions yeah :) i strongly encouraged that.

hey thx for the info :)