help on microphones VS H4n n more qns


New member
I'm using a macbook and id like to hook up some equipment for singing so i need

1) a microphone

2) something that can connect guitar, keyboard to my macbook.

Want to ask the opinion of the brothers and sisters here.

should i get get

1) a Samson Co3u?
2) Audio technica AT2020?
3) Zoom H4n and skip the 2 mics mentioned above?

i also have a keyboard and wanna connect it to my macbook.
i understand a midi-usb cable is required
anyone can rec a good one to do its job? that is to connect my keyboard to my lappy.

thanks in advance.

(yes someone told me that yamaha's UX-16 is 145SGD)

but im also looking at alternatives to do a simple comparison.

hope to hear from anyone soon.
Hi there

You would need an audio interface for recording the audio and a midi interface for sequencing with the keyboard. This is a 2-in-one solution ->

There are other product in the market, you can look around.

As for the microphone, I think the AT2020 would be a better choice.

The good thing about Zoom H4n is that it is a stand-alone recorder. You don't need a computer to use it.
that does not look like its a hundred lol...

hw much is it and where can i get it? hmmm

i wonder if i can connect my keyboard to the h4n...
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You can check out

You can connect your keyboard to the H4n. You will be able to record the sound. But H4n does not have MIDI. You will need to buy another MIDI interface if you want to do sequencing.

* please do not use the "Reply with Quote" when you are simply replying to a thread. Just use the "Reply".
okay sorry about the quote thing.
nways the fasttrack pro costs 245 USD!!!

all i want is to record my voice and connect my keyboard and guitar.

what would you recommend i need?

ezekielkok :
used a Zoom H2 mics to record his vocals/acoustic guitar, and a keyboard headphone output > 1/4to1/8 earphone adapter > zoom H2's line in

if you're talkin about electric guitar you can
guitar > pedals > 1/4to1/8 earphone adapter > H2 line in (if your pedals got cabinet simulator)
if not
guitar >1/4to1/8 earphone adapter >

zoom h2 is around $280 i think?

if you got a super tight budget and willing to go for bare necessities : quality compromisation guaranteed

guitar > pedal > 1/4 to 1/8 earphone adapter > onboard soundcard
keyboard > headphone output > 1/4 to 1/8 earphone adapter > onboard soundcard.
mics.. well, if your macbook has an onboard webcam mic, you can use that, if not get your best earphones/headphones, plug into your mic input and use your earphones as a microphone. or ask around those hokkiensong uncle borrow a cheap karaoke mic (or get one from cash converters)

gd luck
thanks blueprintstudios for sharing the info.
im kinda curious to know the main difference between H2 and the H4n. (other than the price)
forgive me if i don't know about the adaptors. (1/4 or 1/8) i am rather new to music equipments.
but i believe the adaptors are not very expensive right?
so what you're trying to say is i can use the H2 as i mic and connect my keyboard to it without a computer?
saying that i use an acoustic guitar, an with the aid of a 1/4 to 1/8 earphone adaptor connecting my keyboard to the h2?

sorry if im confusing you here.
farhan sounds nice
love to meet you guys :p

H2 = 4 mics/surround. one earphone jack (1/8") line input.
H4n = 2 mics XY , 1/4" jack/XLR inputs

1/4" is your guitar jack
1/8" is your earphone.

the adapters are the type you can get at simlim square/tower, harvey norman etc. between prices of $1.50 and
$3 depending on location.

yeap I believe you can do that because if you wanted to record lets say.... radio dedication.
Radio > speaker out/headphones out (set decent level) > H2 input (set preamp level) , and record.
it would be the same as
keyboard > headphone out > H2 input and record.

WITH (using your DAW) and WITHOUT (SD card) computer

i doubt you can record acoustic guitar + line input at the same time. (neither can you record h4n mics+xlr inputs at the same time using the computer unless in SD card mode)

so recording layer by layer. acoustic guitar > h2 mics > etc
keyboards > output (can be RCA/can be 1/4" etc) > 1/X to 1/8 earphone adapter into the H2 (or whatever audio interface inputs)
do u have msn or something, i have trouble understanding the jargons used here sorry bro, but i really appreciate the trouble u took to type this
thinking if H4n is the best way to go now.
sorry for being long winded lol.
just a lil hard to part with 400 ish lol
so i guess if i lean toward that direction, it will be H4N to record vocals, GH1 to record HD videos
umm can H4n connect to my yahama psre323? hmmm
no worries, i'm sure you don't print money for a living.

yes it can connect to your yamaha psre323 via headphones out but it'll be a pity cos your keyboard has midi. then maybe from there you can get a midi > usb cable.
You don't "need" to get both.If u wanna record your keyboard u can go either midi (midi to USB cable interface, one of them is m-audio midisport UNO) or analog via headphone output into ur h4n.midi has more control and versatility. H4n is portable n inbuilt mics. The one that james recommended has both preamplifier inputs and midi interface but no mics. So it's ur call from here on actually

I think maudio is abt 80, I have one n it's pretty reliable
sorry i kinda lost u there.

i understand bout the USB cable interface thing. - for this u are suggesting the maudio?

and still the h4n right?

whats that about headphone output into h4n.mdi? hmmm
Yeap I'm recommending the maudio

I may be confusing u further by not insisting on my recommendation because u seem uncertain of the pros and cons balance between each of the audio/midi interface options.try to understand that first to avoid wasted purchase.

Analog/direct in (via headphone out) records the SOUND coming from your keys
Midi recording (via midiusb or audio interface) records YOUR PLAYING as data there is no sound but you can fix up make changes to mistakes and re run midi in/out to record the SOUND later.I know saying this now is gonna confuse you even more but pls do your research well or ask more qns on what you don't understand.we will try to help you help yourself.
i think i get it..
if im recording i cant hear myself right?
the only way i can do that is when i play back after recording?
To make thing more interesting, maybe you should try to route the input to the output(from hardware or driver side), so that you don't need software monitor. Software monitor tend to lack.