Help Needed!


New member
Hey everyone...i would be glad if somebody knows what's wrong with my guitar.
There is no sound coming out of it. I've checked the cable, the amp and theres nothing wrong with it. I think there's somthing wrong with the input of the guitar...does anyone know why?
without seeing anything, iam afraid no one will know why.

The best is to bring down to shop round peninsular shopping centre, check with the guitar tech round the shops there tomorrow.
Let me give you the possibilities.

1) Your pickups are screwed!!! Pay big money for replacements!!!
2) Your volume pot is screwed, change em!
3) Your pickup selector switch is screwed, change em!
4) Your output jack is screwed, change em! (an electric guitar got output jack and no input. signal comes out and not go in from the guitar, heh... one of my pet peeves)
5) There is a random broken wire at some point, connect!

If you are not able to trouble shoot this, send it down to our good friend Beez at Guitar77, Peninsula/Excelsior basement.
Thanks for the reply. Ouh yeah i opened up the OUTPUT(sorry for that mistake) jack and found out there's a loose connection. Anyways thanks again.