hello my first OM post!! **call me** !!!!!

I hope that you posted that as a joke and i also hope you won't be discouraged since this is your first OM post.

That was absolutely horrible.

The timing was all over the place and your pitching is very poor. It sounded like you have a short tongue while singing. No offense if it is a real thing, but you should choose to do something that compliments you. Sounded very much like courtney love high on coke while singing live on a bad day.

Regardless, i hope you won't take it too hard and reflect and work on your singing.
I'm sorry but i'm going to agree with nanoshred.

It's very very messy. and certainly not a clip you would want to showcase.

This is not to bring you down instead i hope it will make you work hard. You've a nice voice but you gotta learn how to control it.
The pitch and tone of your voice is running wild, have to know when to control and release your style of singing. I think its a good effort, its even better when you sing more natural. Maybe u can experiment with different genre of songs to find your strength of your voice.
hmm..must be a dialect i am not familiar with :lol: ...I have heard a coupla hawkers doin their thing in a similar vein
well thank you for the comments but i dont agree to many of them. Well actually i dont really agree to any of them. They are your own opinions and im not saying that they are wrong but I honestly dont think I am half as bad as what you guys have said. This has not discouraged me from anything, well thank you for listening anyway.
that was not that bad...not even as bad as courtney love,bro nanoshred u must have been listening to the wrong thing...

her voice sounds ok with me...kinda got soul in it...but the short tongue thing..yeah thats true...and u gotta work on the breath too...can lengthen the parts too
Actually I think it wasn't that bad; ok - I don't care much for all those 'breathy' vocal histrionics - that's my personal preference, but technically it's nowhere near as bad as you other guys make it out to be. The pitching is more or less in tune except for a couple of places where some slurs are attempted, and yes, the timing is a little off, but for an unaccompanied vocal, I think it's very good (and very brave to release). If you guys commenting here negatively have ever heard even pro recordings stripped bare except for the vocal, you'll learn a lot.

Looking forward to hearing a full track.
lolz..petrina:thats the funniest and funnily enough ..the most unique response ive heard...but yea work hard..you could sound good :lol:
I take back what I said, my previous words I admit were tactless and possibly bordering along the lines of being mean.

But if what you posted was really you, and not some sick joke. Then...
Good try, takes a lot of guts to post something on OM. Especially a vocal track, nothing to hide behind other the very basis of your voice.

I've heard more shitty guitar players than vocalists here. In any case I admire your courage and openess to criticism whether good or bad.

I know I would never post a vocal track on OM...my singing is likened to a drowning cat in the middle of an icy lake.

I think you gotta work on your pitching, it's off at some points. Also it might be a good idea to practice some vocal technique exercises while you're at it.

I'm looking forward to an improved effort if ever you feel like posting one.
It is definitely the MOST "american idol" styled thread to come from the OM section.

Shes been encouraged enough, to know what she should do and its typical OM soft.com style "protection". Give me a break with all then shes not that bad, shes in tune etc. Do ask yourself this. Its better to get shamed in a forum and get pointers to improve? Or look like a complete fool on stage.

But hey, since all of you are so supportive, i'm sure you'll turn up since you love the singing that much to hear it, live.

You guys are just encouraging to let her know her singing is actually okay.

I can see how people avoid posting in threads like this or even in the forum at all.

Totally deluded.
its not that bad, seriously Simon Cowell...*peace*

well,i think its not that bad...but short tongue is very true..
I gotta agree with Nanoshred. 8)

I don't see the point of coating your opinions with sugar when it's rather apparent that the quality of the singing was lackluster for the lack of a better adjective.

IMO You're only doing the person a diservice by saying

"her voice sounds ok with me...kinda got soul in it...but the short tongue thing..yeah thats true...and u gotta work on the breath too...can lengthen the parts too"

We need more comment-ers like Nanoshred around.

Or even Paulo, based on his ideal of proper commenting, should comment sometimes.