Hello! Any way of loaning gear?


New member
Hello everyone, im pretty new to DJing and was wondering if there was a way to get my hands on loaned gear just so that i could practice without having to spend a whole lot of cash at the start.

Any help would be great :)
Loan or rent?

If you wanna rent, you can try E-TracX or The Frontal Academy. Prolly,they have them.

Honestly, just start saving to buy a MKII. Can't be that expensive eh?
inflation sia. lol no lah its damn expensive when you have to buy other necessities.

how much does a mkII cost in singapore anyway? and anyone selling second hand mkIIs?
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I doubt you will be able to get much help here.

Head over to exitmusik forum or call up Frontal and/ or ETracX.

Dun be lazy. Google the numbers yourself.
And btw, since you are starting out... I doubt you will be juggling beats or scratching.

If you are going to just press play, might as well get a iPod mixer which allows you to play DJ with 2 iPods.
Of cuz, bro edder bro! They hadta drag me outta the decks when I was throwin' 'em gay anthems when I did this night with a friend.

Theme: "Straight guys who love music by gay guys"

haha trust me ive googled many numbers and called many people. im just expanding my options here.

and no i haven't just started out. ive had my hands on decks before and have done mixing and scratching but want decks of my own.

when youre despo you'll get it done i guess.