Guitar : Punk Rock / Metal

So dont say this or that sounds like shit.

Engelfaeuste said:
No, they sound muddy and the upper frets are shit to play on.

I don't know about you but I would actually try to read. I never said Les Pauls sounded like shit. Sound is subjective, playability, IS NOT.

Tell you what, compare playing from fret 21-24 on a Jackson Warrior/Kelly/KV (just not from the budget JS30 series) and playing, hmm, the Les Paul seems to be missing a few frets, ok, fret 19-22 on a Les Paul, and tell me, honestly, which is easier to play.
the set neck of a les paul really makes the player very hard to reach the higher frets unless you've got long fingers..
They would have came up with the guitar if thats the outcome.Its just preference.Not everyone shares the same taste as you.So dont say this or that sounds like shit.

I agree with you on the part about personal preference. i mean no doubt Jacksons and Ibanez guitars have better playability (due to the extended cutaways and thin necks) and i was a former ibanez user(i used the s-series) but i still ended up going back to the Fender strat. I'm the sort of guy who likes my guitar to have a bit of fight when i play it. Not implying that im a violent person but its just me :mrgreen:

I'm sure we could all go on and on about what we prefer in a guitar but at the end of the day it all boils down to personal preference, one man's meat may be another man's poison. And dont let stereotypes cloud your mindset when you wanna buy a guitar.

Common stereotypes:

"Oh you cant shred on a les paul, the neck is too thick for that".
Buckethead and Zakk Wylde are serious shredders who can shred like your mother. They both use Gibson les pauls. And they can probably shred faster and cleaner on their les pauls than that wannabe shredder kid with a superstrat guitar.

'You cant use a strat to play metal"
Yes you can. Maybe not with stock single coils, but malmsteem has been doing it since the 80s with his brand of "classical metal". Bands like Iron Maiden and Marduk use strats too.
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about the 'you can't play metal with a strat',

although i agree that this generalisation is wrong, but in many cases, many people find it hard to dig out a decent rock tone from a strat, let alone metal.

so it might be a good precautionary words to those who plan to buy strat to play metal so that they either don't get that disappointed when they dont manage to get the metal sound, or they are compelled to try harder (basically saving them from heart break that stops them from playing guitar, ever again, in extreme cases, hahah)
depends on the pickups. Seriously. It depends on the pickups.

Repeat it 10 times. Start over.

I use a strat and i can get all sorts of tones out of it, from fusion to pantera-esque crunch.
yes, i never dispute your claim anyway, so i dont need to read 10 times.

it's just that, not everyone knows that, so a good precautionary word can be put nicely first.

strat isn't cheap (fender strat of course), so if someone were to buy it and get disappointed and because of that leaves his strat to be piled up with dust, hmmmmmmm, yeah,

poor the strat
Give to me lor. I will turn it to a mean metal machine! :evil: Anyways i was kidding about the repeating part, it was just for that dramatic effect haha. ok epic fail.

To be honest dude, the strat isnt even the worse guitar for metal. Try using a danelectro guitar with lipstick pickups to play metal.

But to me, honestly, amp and the way you tweak the settings determine more of the tonal equation than anything else. I can give you the meanest ESP superstrat guitar and you wont get a metal tone running it into some shitty 5w amp thats for sure.
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Tone can easily be sculpted to suit the genre and player. But technical awareness is an advantage for anyone be able to maximise the strength and innate sonic qualities of the guitar ie know your guitar specs and mod your guitar/adapt your gear to what it can provide to get the tone you want.

So, TS, as with most of the answers given, any guitar can do any genre if you know what to do with it.

The decision on what guitar to get however, depends entirely on how proficient or able you are to adapt to it, and to what extend you can and will mod it, cos tone shaping with gears and mods is not cheap. That of course will be determined by your budget, current equipment and the tone you have in mind.

So, I suggest that you have a rough tone in mind, research on what each guitar's intricate qualities can provide, work on a set of gear or mods that you might need to do to achieve that tone, and compare it with the budget that you have. The amount you need to spend would depend on what you need to get that tone you desire.

If it can be achieve by plugging a cheap but decent guitar straight to a cheap but decent amp, you're in luck.

If it needs a custom made one of kind guitar with an array of boutique pedal and a kick jack arse killer stack, then God be with you. :mrgreen:

Two cents.
Marduk's guitarist's Strat has a humbucker at the bridge position. Pretty much any guitar with a humbucker will get that metal tone. Not that singlecoils can't do it, but humbuckers are quieter at high gain distortion and are a lot more powerful. A strat with a bridge humbucker can be as powerful as an Ibanez RG...
hahah, i know what you mean, n i also want the strat, hahah!

speaking of which, where to get those danelectro in singapore? i really am looking for it actually -.-
depends on the pickups. Seriously. It depends on the pickups.

Yeah man! a classic example for this is subversion's telecaster... Haha. He uses a fender telecaster to play metal. (just that the pickups are SD hot rails and hot rhythm) Haha. actually playing with a high output single coil also sounds no bad.. imo.
Yeah man! a classic example for this is subversion's telecaster... Haha. He uses a fender telecaster to play metal. (just that the pickups are SD hot rails and hot rhythm) Haha. actually playing with a high output single coil also sounds no bad.. imo.

You don't really need high output pick ups you know , slash uses a low output humbucker to get his tone and it sounds amazing. It's the chemistry of all the elements involved , guitar , pickups , cables , amps , pedals .