Guitar : Punk Rock / Metal


New member
Hey Guys, i have been playing my guitar for 4 months and i think its about time i get a new one. im currently using a j&d strat copy. im a left handed thats why im using j&d. can you guys recommend me a guitar which can play punk rock and metal and is available in left handed?

i heard the Schecter Omen 6 is good but its for metal , does it suite punk rock?

how about a fender strat? will it suite the metal genre?

thanks in advance.

Does this answer your question?
any guitar, even tgm lol. just that when u select guitar, u judge from the specs of the guitar, like the wood, pickups etc...
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Any guitar can play anything so long as you possess the necessary tone and chops.

Don't let stereotypes influence your decision in buying a guitar...
I got a Fender American strat the day I decided to pick up guitar , how is 4 months bad compared to that ?
zax, if i had a fender, i woundnt be complaining, its becuase i want better gear thats why am asking you guys for your opinion =x
to me the j&d is a good guitar but you wound expect me to use it for 2 to 4 years would you? And im just collecting information, havent really astarted saving yet .
zax, if i had a fender, i woundnt be complaining, its becuase i want better gear thats why am asking you guys for your opinion =x
to me the j&d is a good guitar but you wound expect me to use it for 2 to 4 years would you? And im just collecting information, havent really astarted saving yet .

you're not the threadstarter what ? unless its your second account . Strats to me are very versatile , in fact more versatile than les pauls and I would know cause I use both.
J&D is a good guitar but try getting those Japanese Fender Strats with the HSS configurations haha , ask Ized . I'm sure he'll be glad to offer some help about strats .
Sorry for that, my friend was over at my house, he was checking out a few things on soft, probably forgot to log out. whos ized? =x
No, they sound muddy and the upper frets are shit to play on.

get a treble bleed for the muddy issues , but i guess nothing can be done about the upperfrets (doublecuts i guess?) , again it boils down to preference and eventhough I can swear by the les paul , it's not the most versatile guitar on the market and it doesn't come cheap either (don't bother with the copies) .

Ibanez or Fenders!