Guitar help!!! Please help!!!


New member
Hey Soft-ies,

i need your help in finding the "ideal" guitar for me.

i have tried so many guitars, but none suites my standard.

My expectations in my "ideal" guitar:

-24 Frets

-Floyd Rose (Or any other kind of Tremolo, but must have same kind functions as this)

-Easy for solo-ing on the upper frets while standing up. [Important]

-Has Contour on the back to reach the upper frets better. (bolt-on area) [Important]


-Strings are easy to press (similar to Les Pauls) [Not That Important]

i Don't really bother for the pick-ups as i would change it so Seymour Duncan Invaders

I Was thinking of getting the Schecter Avenger Or The Epiphone Prophecy EM-2 Custom FX.

i haven't tried these two guitars yet.

P.S. I do not want to make a custom guitars, as i want a real guitar "Brand" on the Headstock

Can you guys help me out?

Reply This Thread or Pm Me For Your Suggestions.

every Reply/Pm's will help me alot!

Thank You! :)
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strings being easy to be pressed depends on a good setup and thickness
,not necessarily be a les paul to have that light feel
anyway,if you dont mind non locking trem system and have a huge budget, PRS custom 24 is the way to go
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What's your budget?

You can look at Ibanez RG or S prestige or J custom.

Dude obviously he's a new to electric guitar and you're throwing things like J customs and prestige at him hahaha. That's like getting a Fender customshop as your first guitar. Not saying that it's impossible.
I'm thinking you are going for some thing around the 1k range?

Try the Sterling JP50, fits all your specs real nicely, except the floyd rose, but has a floating trem with locking trem, which means you can still do divebombs/flutter like john petrucci:
i need your help in finding the "ideal" guitar for me.
i have tried so many guitars, but none suites my standard.
My expectations in my "ideal" guitar:
-24 Frets
-Floyd Rose (Or any other kind of Tremolo, but must have same kind functions as this)
-Easy for solo-ing on the upper frets while standing up. [Important]
-Strings are easy to press (similar to Les Pauls) [Not That Important]
i Don't really bother for the pick-ups as i would change it so Seymour Duncan Invaders

I don't get it... Not many guitars make your standard? how high are your standards? Then you post schecters? Not exactly aiming very high are you?

Your specs in the first place are the EASIEST to obtain. Where have you been looking? Practically any Ibanez RG (doesn't have to be prestige or J custom) or even their S Series (S5470) would meet this. How difficult could it be? Walk into Swee Lee and you get a PLETHORA of guitars with those specs. Or Davis would have some LTDs that would fit.

If you want lightweight, just get an Ibanez S series. Can't get much lighter than that...
That's like getting a Fender customshop as your first guitar. Not saying that it's impossible.

Well, there IS someone on this forum who did just that. An EBMM JP6 fully loaded Mystic Dream was his first guitar (no, it wasn't me)... nothing wrong with that...
are u new to electric guitars? any budget?
we can only recommend what we think is good based on what we;ve tried.
end of the day, the guitar has gotta feel comfortable in ur hands. (eg. I rellay like Carvins but my friend doesnt like the feel of them and only swears by fenders these days).
maybe u should just go to local stores and try somemore guitars out to see what feels best to u.

As for brands... hmm, what does it matter if there is a brand stamped on the headstock? i've tried custom made ones that feels more comfortable/playable to me than 'branded' goods.
Well, there IS someone on this forum who did just that. An EBMM JP6 fully loaded Mystic Dream was his first guitar (no, it wasn't me)... nothing wrong with that...

Nope and that's why I said that it wasn't impossible but you know, how many people can actually afford that ???
I would like to say a BIG Thank You to you guys for helping me out.


-I have been playing the Electric Guitar for quite some time

-Just hit me with your suggestions. i'll save up for the guitar :)
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I Have a B.C Rich M7 Warlock (Mick Thompson Signature Special)

for the warlock, its hard for me to reach the upper frets while standing up.


Plz hit me with your suggestions.

could you give me some suggestions on the Top-End Guitars, and the lower end guitars.

every suggestions help me alot!

if u have problems playing the upper frets whilst standing up but not when ure sitting down, getting a guitar to solve that problem is a silly excuse. practise more please.

if u want less tension, getting a shorter scale or lower gauge strings will solve this issue.

for guitars that are light u generally wanna stay away from tele and les paul shapes. prob stay away from guitars constructed from mahogany or ash. basswood guitars that i have tried are very light and my main guitar weighs around 6.9lbs with a maple topped basswood combo.

give us a budget to work with. my idea of some top end guitars would run in the 15-20k range.
hmm I feel compelled to ask this question: what exactly do you mean by "hard to reach upper frets?"

I meant, like,

have you played a Les Paul while standing up?

the curve shape on top, makes it harder to reach the upper frets.

i have a Cort X-2 too,
i can reach the upper frets better, but, the place where they blot-on, keep getting in the way.

i'm actually trying to say that, i want a guitar, that the bolt-on place, doesnt get in my way when i'm playing at the upper frets.
hard to reach upper frets?

shorten your guitar strap maybe?

i can't shorten my guitar strap.

i feel uncomfatable.

the way i strum is similar to the way Frank Iero, From My Chemical Romance, Plays.

when standing up, my guitar is around my waist.

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