Guitar falling apart! Need help...


New member
I just found that my acoustic guitar have some major hair-line crack on the neck... the tuners seem to be coming off (there is a gap between the tuning head and guitar headstock)...

Eh... is this normal wear and tear? (I am a noob, first time guitar dying on me)

I usually place my guitar on a stand by the window... does this play a part in causing damage? Should I put my guitar in a bag instead of stand? Kinda worried now, cos I don't want the same thing to happen to my electric guitar...

Many thanks in advance...
not a good idea to put any guitar by the window. Rain, sunlight and humidity on a long-term basis can wreck havoc on it.
But is it ok to put on the stand? Damn... I think the acoustic guitar is dying man...

Will hair line cracks on the neck lead to a warped or broken neck?
I think the crack will get bigger and bigger over time, and you'll find youself with 2 pieces of wood.
you might wanna remedy it at a repairshop.
huh! This sux... by the way you know how much it cost to remedy this? If cost too much might as well get a new guitar...
will it be more than 100 bucks? I think I will sometime soon... but the main focus is will the other guitars be affected?
most likely not, if u put it elsewhere. my room has a pretty high humidity level, but aside from rusting strings, the guitars dont seem to have the problem. for ur acoustic, it might be the humidity + string tension. as already mentioned up above, bringing to a shop might be good. alternatively, take a few pix and post, that way the pro's around here will be able to see whats wrong more easily.
Yup... I agree with Fruitwine... unless your guitars are those budget types which use inferior woods and bad construction.

However, don't expect an instrument to just stay the way it is forever, even in best conditions/tempuratures. You will and should get your instruments checked regularly for warpping and what not.. .then get them resetup every now and then. :)
Vaiyen said:
I think the crack will get bigger and bigger over time, and you'll find youself with 2 pieces of wood.
you might wanna remedy it at a repairshop.

Hi. What treatment can be done to a crack neck bro?
if it's a cheap guitar i recommend buying a new one, no point something good at least that can last longer, as the cost of repair may go up to almost the same price as u buying a cheap guitar, so get a brand new better one and it's much better!
Yup... I appreciate the input guys... it is just shocking to find that my guitar is *dying*...

Lucky it is not taylor or martin... haha just a stupid cheapo Nikko...

What I am worried is my electric guitar hanging next to it... don't want it to be the nxt victim...
hmmm... if u dont piss on ur guitar, dont toss it into the garden to endure the elements, i doubt the same will happen. imho, electrics are generally a lil more sturdy than acoustics :D

p.s. abt the pissing part, there was this ang morh forum discussing how to "age" their plastic parts, where the person pisses on it and leaves it in the lawn to dry :twisted:
Hell NO!!! Of course I won't do that... haha... the pissing I think it can make the guitar age nicely too... Nice one fruitwine!