Guitar Day @ SOFT Gathering - 3 May 2008

Being in the audience this time, the experience today was awesome. Everybody did a great and inspiring job. When it ended, all i wanted to do was go home and play guitar and plan out my next segment for the next workshop.

Shern's set was a great start. Very clear explanation on the basics of interval understanding and why songs and their chords work the way they do. Very nice examples. For you guys that missed it, you missed out a very original version of Neil Zaza's - I'm Alright and his debut of his original song as well.

Malek injected a good dose of neo classical and old school rock, with a demonstration of a set of his original music. Fans of shred and hard rock music would have been very pleased at the showcase.

Addy's set showed everyone why he is one of the best in the region. Technique, taste, tone and feel. Its all there. A pity we did not get to see a demonstration of his upcoming instrumental material. Another greatly educational segment on his usage of the CAGED system and how he uses them for chordal and solo construction. Followed by tips on sweep picking, alternate picking and legato techniques.

Rosli's highly entertaining set is a follow up with part 2 of his workshop. This time touching on song composition, how he does it, his thought process and the variety of tools available to the composer. We also got to see him with a new rhythm section and the showcase of two new songs. The magic of how he warms the crowd up, interacts with them and opens their ears to the possibilities of creativity and exploration are all marks of how great a teacher and musician he is.

Nothing more fitting then ending the day with a jam on Rosli's original piece together with Addy Rashidi. Good stuff!

That was more or less my review and experience for today. For those that missed it, your loss on a highly entertaining and educational set from some of the best guitar players in the scene today.

Irregardless of the music you play, or your image of how guitar workshops are only for "chops" type players. We invite you to come down and take a look and listen. You might just be amazed at the wide vast of knowledge we are sharing and showcasing.

Till next time, hope to see you all at the next workshop and gathering.
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I'll just simply say i'd enjoyed the event totally. Informative, enjoyable, whatever you call it....i'm glad i was there to catch it and get to learn from all of them!
powerful show man jus now....
hope to see the vids uploaded...

especially rosli....power man...chart, 3M&3L

hope to fretboardfreny sumemore in the future...!!!1

salute to local scene....
it was indeed a great workshop being held! am very glad to be involved with this group of humble musicians. DUN MISS THE NEXT ONE PPLE!! its really great. this is alot more educational by watching and listening to these top notch players strutting their stuff. way cool!
I was very impressed by Rosli's sharing of his thought process in composing songs. It gives ppl a clear idea of the factors of consideration in doing their own songs.

The speakers gave up their lesson time ($$$ making time) to share their knowledge and inspire the crowd. The guitarists in the crowd can seriously do better at interaction by asking questions and letting the speakers know that they're not wasting their time. Mostly guys...shouldn't be shy right?

Gosh! Even a keyboardist had a question to ask at the gathering!

as a beginner i really learn quite a handful of tips in Guitar playing. i may not be playing to earn a living but as far knowledge is concern, Fretboard Frenzy really is an eye opener. THanks Rosli and TEAM TERRABOX. cant wait for the next one.
The workshop that was held yesterday was really good... I didn't attend the 1st one since was busy and I was so lucky to attend the second one... lol...

I gained a lot of things, especially when Shern Wong's and Rosli Mansor's set on music compositions... 'Cause I seriously need to create something and perform a lot of experimentations... If not because of the 3 Ls and the 3 Ms, I might be lost and stuck on guitar playing...

Thanks to James and the people who managed to make the workshop happens.. \m/ Rock on!!
Yesterday ROCKED!!

I actually went for two of the workshops and still cant stop having more!!I really liked the things they had taught addy who emphasised more on the techniques like legato ad speed picking while rosli teaching the composing ended off greatly with them jamming one of rosli's original..and it was really nice..MORE MORE MORE!!!
How come no clininc this time around? I was planning to bring my guitar in for a tuneup. :D

I suppose all those that went can now write beautiful compositions for all to hear. I look forward to busy times at the Open Mic here at Soft. There's nothing better than having well-known composers share their mechanics to songwriting. It's all in the FORMULA babey! :D

I rikes!
HAHAHAHAA!!!! thats funny.. i am sure now alot of guitarist are at least more guided in their journey in learning guitar after today's workshop... and they prolly will write beautiful melodies... and clinics? aint this workshop something like clinic?
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How come no clininc this time around? I was planning to bring my guitar in for a tuneup. :D

I suppose all those that went can now write beautiful compositions for all to hear. I look forward to busy times at the Open Mic here at Soft. There's nothing better than having well-known composers share their mechanics to songwriting. It's all in the FORMULA babey! :D

I rikes!

do i sense some unnecessary sarcasm here ORRRRRRRRRR I'm just being waaaay too over sensitive?

where were you rork? I was expecting to see you there. ;)
do i sense some unnecessary sarcasm here ORRRRRRRRRR I'm just being waaaay too over sensitive?

INFIDEL! How canch you not believe in the 3Ls and 3Ms???

where were you rork? I was expecting to see you there. ;)

My psychiatrist says that I should stay home until further instructions. Besides, I am practicing for my next gig!

Hello all,

Yesterday's second Fretboard Frenzy: Rise of the Stringers had such a good turnout and response, and that is only made possible because we had the support of each of you who made the effort to be there and especially to the following people: James - for organising the monthly SOFT gatherings, Dex of *scape - for providing the use of the air-conditioned space in the midst of the heat madness and David of Blackwood Guitars for providing the use of cool amps.

Fretboard Frenzy is also made possible because of the support from some of our very best and upcoming talents: Rosli Mansor (who initiated Fretboard Frenzy) and invited guitarists Malik, Clinton Carnegie, Paul Danial, Addy Rasidi, Simon Yong, Brandon Gan, Shern Wong and Simon Lai. They come together under Fretboard Frenzy with the common goal of promoting a greater awareness and appreciation for the local music scene and guitar talents to the local audiences. And we like to thank all who are behind us in the process of achieving that goal.

We hope you guys had a blast and an informative time on the two guitar days and there is definitely more exciting stuff coming up.

terraBox management
Next round must have Shredcow (whammy & pedals) and larva (songwriting & arrangement).

My humble .02
