Guitar Care


New member
Hey guys, I've got some qns regarding guitar care

1)How do you prevent the metal hardware on your guitar e.g. screws, bridge etc from rusting?

2)If these parts start to rust then how do you derust them (the bridge especially)?

3)If I want to make my guitar look spiffier where can i go to buy shiny new screws, e.g. for the pickguard and pickup area? Mine is a yamaha pacifica 604w by the way.

1) Wipe down after playing. Use a mild cleaner solution.

2) Take out the parts, soak them in naftha for a while, then use a toothbrush. Or buy some rust remover from DIY shops.

3) You can buy new screws. Take one of your old screws with you, and find a similiar one from aome DIY shop. Spend a little more, the coating tends to be better, and get chrome.

DIY Shops man.
Haha. Sorry about that.

There has to be some way to get people to solve their queries systematically though. :| Otherwise 10 years later, we see the same thing - over & over again. I guess some do find that kinda stuff exciting though. Hmm.
Well, we're the old birds... I lose my patience 10 times more often than you anyway. Its going to be like so ... a cycle. 10 years later, it will be the same.

Anyway, going to send you something, that Brit pop sold out track.
It will rust one, esp with our humidity and your sweat... I basically gave up my dream of shiny rust-free hardware on my guitars already. Now i'm zen.
strings- dunlop string polish
mtal parts- metal polish(forget the brand name)
fretboard-fretboard conditioner
body- some wooden polish.i forget.but it does come in lemon scent...yellow coloure can.
HAHAHA!!! :lol:
stainless steel screws are the best.

I still have a bunch of Fender pickguard, neck bolt, single coil pickup, Gibson(smaller than Fender) and others.

hmm... should I clear stock and packed em up in STRAT, TELE, LESPAUL, SG lots? hmmmm...
ehh ed.. u gt the short pickup ring screws for the neck pup? the ultra short dome one. i could only find the flathead ones gt stainless steel or nto mine rust like mad in no time.

i buy you tau huay!
tat one ah... maybe don't have... all the screws are in JB. heh heh... got time i go back there and bring em all back.
hey Ed,

i'm interested to get some strat single coil pickup stainless steel screws...let me know when u get them can?

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