Global Warming - Or Is It Really?


New member
Basically the title says it all. Is global warming the whole huge hoo-hah it has been made out to be? I personally think not.

Go read up on it, you might find out things you never knew. There is nothing unnatural about 'global warming' and us turning off our lights for one hour isn't going to do SHIT about anything. It is in fact the biggest collaboration of idiocy I could have ever imagined.

The Earth changes with time. From hot to cold to hot to cold, it's an endless cycle. What the media portrays as 'Global Warming' isn't entirely true.
It may or may not be true. Insufficient information to arrive at conclusion.

Nonetheless, we still have to deal with other big problems, such as depletion of natural resources and environment pollution. Switching off lights may or may not help to prevent global warming, but it does help to cut down usage of natural gas and air pollution.
Pollution harms us, I agree fully. Depletion of natural resources I gotta agree with you, its an impending problem that is yet to fully smack mankind in the ass.

But Global Warming. That's my biggest issue here. I have friends, well basically all the people I know, who think that it is US HUMANS who are causing Global Warming, which further throttles us toward the path of the Earth exploding or imploding or whatever you imagine armageddon to be.

Global warming is natural. Stopping carbon dioxide emissions will not do anything to stop this non-existent phenomenon from happening. Greenhouse gases are comprised largely of water vapour. Human carbon dioxide emissions account for barely even HALF A PERCENTAGE POINT; ie 0.28%.

Why put so much useless pathetic effort and resources on the non-existent issue of 'Global Warming' when they would be SO much better spent on issues such as natural resources, reducing pollution and decreasing poverty?

It's amazing how humans work. They feel the weather has been hot for a week, and they instantly say,"Damn, global warming truly does exist, lets spend millions on a worldwide campaign to promote awareness of global warming!"

its the awareness the campaign is trying to sell, not so much of immediate effect. Of course after the initial shout out, excitment, whether do people still quietly practise what they preach or just moved on to some other "latest topic of the month"(kinda like some topic discussion on the forum here..
), thats another thing.

while i doesnt really believe that the campaign going to help much as well, i think its good that some hotels in singapore are coming up with corny idea to sell room package, to boost their sale, be part of the wagon and having publicity in paper
Well from the documentaries I watched its true that Global Warming happens in________(numerical figure) years.

But the past Global Climatic changes(Dinosaurs and First Man) doesnt include depletion of resources until the beginnings of Ice Age.

In conclusion Global Warming is natural but our generation is speeding the process.With all the bull crap oxides and whatever stuff.
Well from the documentaries I watched its true that Global Warming happens in________(numerical figure) years.

But the past Global Climatic changes(Dinosaurs and First Man) doesnt include depletion of resources until the beginnings of Ice Age.

In conclusion Global Warming is natural but our generation is speeding the process.With all the bull crap oxides and whatever stuff.

Have to agree with Dime. We, Humans, are speeding up global warming.
With all the pollution etc, its no wonder in just a few years, the temperature rises by so much, that it causes the ice shells to melt at an alarming rate.
yeah global warming is inevitable but the current rate of warming is alarmingly higher than natural. we're still supposed to be just coming out of the ice age and supposed to take few millenia before the poles thaw completely, but we're managing to cut that figure down to centuries.

also agree with above-mentioned need to reduce the depletion rate of fossil fuel energy for conservation sake.

Americans are among the biggest opponents of the global warming hype because they and their consumerist lifestyle are the biggest contributors towards the warming. then they're also pointing at upcoming India and China and refuse to change if these countries don't change. typical schoolyard bully attitude.
We, in Singapore do not make up a large part of the world, so no, turning off the lights for an hour doesn't do much. But when BILLIONS of people around the globe turn of their lights for an hour. What's the effect?

We're looking at the saving of burning tonnes of fossil fuels to generate electricity. Might not seem much but it does help.

Global Warming, with or without humans would take place, but our activities are really speeding it up, a quick look at a CO2 emissions graph like what Al Gore's documentary shows it all. after the industrialization of our world and the introduction of new technology, we have been emitting MUCH more Co2 than ever before. Where does the Co2 come from?

you should know.
The factors contributing to "global warming" are actually an effect of a sum total of a lot of things. Carbon dioxide emissions are definitely not the only contributor. But the general (and unfortunately myopic) perspective is that CO2 = global warming. It doesn't help that all that campaigning seems to amplify this and delude the issue further.

However, IMO, there is also the danger of saying that "Global Warming is NOT man made". This will throw us into a false sense of security and complacency, that it is okay to live the way we are living now. We will only spiral down into polluting and destroying further. Is it just me, or is it only recently that, with all this talk on global warming, a lot of people suddenly become interested in environmental issues? I'm seeing it as a catalyst or spark, and it somewhat works.

As resources for food, water and land dwindle, we look at global warming as the problem. Whether it is true or false, it is still a subject of debate. But because of it, we are letting it be the reason to see how important the need for a new, clean and sustainable energy is, and how important the ecological system is.

Yes, a lot of people believed that there seem to be some climatic changes recently that will eventually affect the resources we need to survive on this earth. So we need to adapt to it and not add on to the pressure of what is already fragile. We need to think of solutions to address certain problems that MAY be contributing to this issue. And in general, the steps we are taking for the most part ARE helping to the environment, global warming or not, which is a good thing, yes?

As the population of the earth grows bigger, it's no longer about forcing our environment to adapt to us, but instead, it's now about us adapting to the environment. The latter being a tough act to do. The need for food, water, land and energy increase in ratio to the global population, but we are confining ourselves further away from direct interaction to the eco system (concrete housing, internet, phone orders, courier services etc). We are not hunters and gatherers like our ancestors. We no longer have the same kind of respect and appreciation anymore, cos we are not directly involved with the eco system. If it takes a global fear such as global warming to get us into that scope, then I'd say why not?

Two cents.
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EDIT: didnt realise so many replied while i was typing mine. im too slow haha...

TS.. i think you should be reading up more on global warming. the campaigns are all about changing mindsets and lifestyles that are destructive to the environment.

the cumulative effect of everyone e.g. turning off their lights -> reduction in electricity consumption -> reduction in depletion of fuel -> reduction in CO2 emissions.

CO2 is a greenhouse gas. Theres no dispute about this. I'm guessing organizations who deny that man's activities do not have an impact on global warming do so because they have something to gain from it. That or they are just going against popular belief for the sake of doing so.

We still have a long way to go, even though our efforts might not lead to a total reversal/change at least we should still be doing something to help.
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Hmmm....I thought the only people who are in denial of global warming are George W Bush, Dick Cheney, ultra-conservative Republicans and pro-energy lobby groups.
I am proud to say that I personally know the thread starter.

And I am happy to see that people I know are not misled by the media.

This is a thread started by a person who thinks.

Good one man!!..
The whole idea of global climate change is that there will be freakish weather around the world. Drought, floods, snow in Singapore(hopefully soon, June's coming), sun in Canada, eclipse resulting in my super powers.

Yes global warming is part of climate change, but the whole phenomena that's going on consists of so much more than just the world heating up, or so the scientists have brainwashed me into thinking.
Well the human contribution has resulted to global warming like CO2,chopping of trees (guitar companies watch out) etc.

This will result in rising cost of guitars.shit...
Hi Boon! Anyway, no I do agree that the way we are living now harms the environment in terms of pollution and depletion of natural resources. Never once did I say that we aren't polluting the earth, or that we are not finishing up our natural resources slowly but surely.

What I am saying is that Global Warming is an entirely blown up issue. You go up to any average joe on the streets and ask them what is global warming and what of its cause, and you'd be suprised at how ill-informed they might seem. All this assuming you aren't ill-informed as well.

Not saying I am a know-it-all on this, in fact I am probably nothing more than a layman. I am saying all this based on what I have researched after wondering for about a week now what one hour of lights turned off could possibly do to the world. Go read up on the Heidelberg Appeal, the Statement by Atmospheric Scientists on Greenhouse Warming, The Leipzig Declaration and the Oregon Petition, and you might see what I mean.

Besides even if ultimately you disagree with what I may think, it is still quite interesting to read up all this drama concerning the earth and humans..