Global Warming - Or Is It Really?

awareness is the main objective there.
of coz no one can expect immediate improvement, even if the whole world switched off the light for one whole freaking week.
they are just trying to inject the sense of responsibility into everyone's mind.
go green.

dun try to stop it, but dun accelerate it

+1. By far the post that makes most sense.
I think global warming is already self sustaining by now, due to the amount of crap that's already up there. So turning off the lights, will only SLOW global warming, by about less than the rate of it in the NEXT HOUR, when the lights COME BACK ON.
look up 'sumerians' and 'nibiru' ... interesting... though one has to view with an open believe or not..its each to his own... 1 thing though, im never a fan of the media...
Wait wait..

I don't really know much about global warming thing.

All I thought I knew (and thought was correct) was -

CFC and carbon dioxide thin out the ozone layer --> depletion of rainforest and trees due to urbanization and general increase of the human population contribute to lesser rate of absorption of carbon dioxide --> thinning out of the ozone layer lets in more of sun's UV rays and heat --> this leads to thawing of the ice caps on the north pole and generally contributes to the increase of temperatures around the world --> thawing of the ice caps increase the water levels in the oceans --> this creates abnormal weather patterns.

But after trying to read through Wikipedia about the ozone and greenhouse gases, I realize I am an ignorant fool!

Wiki warriors FTW!!!

Global warming is due to the drastic drop in pirates!


u rulezzz!
u totally pwned everyone here...hahahaha....

captain jack sparrow, pls save the earth!!!
I did. I signed up too. My vote will be counted. :)

I agree Global Warming is natural, but I also agree that we are speeding it up. Fortunately, a lot of companies are going green. Even General Electric is turning to making diesel locomotives that are less pollutive. Look at how much smoke the KTM trains passing through Singapore produce... After all, diesel trains pretty much produce the most emissions of vehicles we encounter in Singapore.

I take it as a good sign that companies care.
I'm not quite inclined to believe anything George Carlin says. I'm an environmental sciences student at RP, and I don't agree with most of what he says.
What if global warming is kindaof like a propaganda? *shall not get into politics*

Anyway, guys, heres a senerio. Lets say you are a butterfly and you live for merely 2 weeks and it so happens that you live in a really hot place (say Sg). so all you can say is that THE WORLD IS INDEED HOT! Because that was what the Earth was like in your 2 week life span. Therefore, my point is that, scientific calculations and whatever bullcrap do have their flaws. THEY ARE ALL HYPOTHESIS! To know the real truth about climate and whats not, easy, live for at least 1million years. Cheers! Till then, bye "GLOBAL WARMING"!
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I wouldn't discount global warming. All around the world, temperatures are seen to be rising. Global warming is real, just maybe very gradual at this point of time.