Gear News 2006

backstab21 said:
hey sub, can recommend any cheap fender tubeamp? thanks.

what Chan Min said: Pro/ Blues Jr...

for amps about the size of the above models, i find Laney's LC15R performs better, driven/ clean.
subversion said:
New @ G77:

Squier California series
List: $350


had a go at it today, was impressed with the playability & tone.

i liked it to, mi only gripe was that it was a 21 fretter only, anw its going for $288 at guitar workshop, juz fyi, maybe the peeps at g77 can lower :lol:
didn't know that they were basswood bodied, i tried 1 with a maple fingerboard, really nice and bitey, the pots were all fully operational and smooth, another gripe was the non laquered fingerboard, prefer a laquered maple fingerboard
I've played one of the rare few in Singapore a few months ago.. Fuahh.. The neck felt great!

Knowing G77's style of having LOADS of guitar in stock like a US shop, I wanna try every single piece and then decide. :lol:
tks sub, will wait and see if any other colours will become available. also going for 350 right?
i have already made payments for the cali squier in guitarworkshop.gonna get it 1 week later. I've tried and i was impressed.. even on a made in china 10 watts amp. It didnt had any single coil hum at all! the set up was perfect. Since mine is fresh from the box, they had to set up the guitar, and i also requested install a preamp, sort of like an inbuilt overdrive. Everything add together is less than $350 :)
hifi_killer said:
I've tried and i was impressed.. even on a made in china 10 watts amp. It didnt had any single coil hum at all!

i simply means you didn't play loud enough and close enough to the amp :lol:
There's no magic, single coils do hum. That's the fact and you can't escape from it
if there is tele that also cost 350, i might consider on getting it... but of coz after trying it out 1st..... :twisted:
popeye, did you get the 59 bassman? There was only 1 during the sale and the guy right at the front took it. Was that you by any chance?
if these are the ones that I've wired of Ash of Velvet Joint studio... THESE PICKUPS ARE HOT HOT HOT. 18Volts the last time I've wired them. Non Mustaine series.