Gallery 2006

Just held Ed's guitar today... IMPRESSIVE!!!!! Shucks... now when can I get to hear it...

Phil ah... hahaha... wait lah... still haven't finish filling the maho's pores.
Was in a rush for jam yesterday, didn't took proper pics of it....deleted my last reply and posting the official photos of my #1 :) All taken under room light, rainy eastside today so.....


Full tilt view of it


Closeup of the 5a quilted maple top


Back view, basswood body


I like these arch basswood grains on the horns....matching!

Pretty light, i would think it comes under 7 pounds...resonant and LOUD!
Perhaps the flash from the cam sort of gave that impression, it's quite a C shape there....won't go into measurements and why i specified them.

It's Hot Rails, Cool Rails & a custom wound HAS Sound bridge humbucker.
I don't think going guitar into guitarport/Behringer cab sim/cube30 into com will actually replicate the tone as how one hears it in far goose, malcolm, blueark and beez have tried and heard it. So i'll let them comment about it 8)

For me, i only have 1 word for it. Inspirational, i may have got lucky but a word to most out there who are venturing into getting stuff for custom guitar. It does not necessarily yields you a great sounding guitar even though it's premium wood and hardware on paper.
subversion said:
the Alien queen inspects & approves my CRATE Power Block...


Hey sub do u happen 2 collect figurines 2? I personally do collect em. Especially those frm spawn. I have da alien queen box-set, but i dun open up my toys. :lol: I have Hendrix, Kiss, Metallica,Slash etc. How bout u? Sori 4 da off-track guys.

if you didn't say that back was basswood, i'd say it ash.

basswood as far as i know and seen have no apparent wood grains. plain and milky.