Gallery 2006

subversion said:
stratopedia said:
Thanks guys. And yeah the Gold Top is an Epi and the Tele is an MIJ. :D

any other Jap guitars in your collection? ibanez/ ESP perhaps?

Nah not really man. The only other MIJ gear in my rig is the Tube Screamer. Don't think I'll ever own an Ibanez or ESP. A bluesman here. :D

Well, maybe an Ibanez Scofield or an Edwards 335 copy.
whoops, i was in a hurry to goose's place yesterday...just saw and posted, missed the logo on the top. I'll say it again, P90 LP gets my vote!!!
edo83 said:
whoops, i was in a hurry to goose's place yesterday...just saw and posted, missed the logo on the top. I'll say it again, P90 LP gets my vote!!!

hurhur tot you donch like Res Pauls.
from yamaha sale

yup the orange guit is the ravelle elite. Cost me $1250

The toggle switches turn the sustainer on/off and select between sustain mode or feedback mode.