Gallery 2006


My Jeff Beck Strat. Hahah. Lousy cam lah. Sorry. Hahah.







It reduces friction so that the strings will not lose it's tuning too easily after tuning up or down. And yeah, they're Lace Sensors. =)
All Jeff beck Strats have the countoured heel if im not wrong. It says so in the fender catalog.

The countoured heel is very useful IMO..

Easy access to higher frets!

Nope this body doesn't have the contoured heel. I changed the original black body to this blue one. The original one does by the way. And nah.. They're not the hot gold ones. Just the Fender Lace Sensors. And yeah, they sound good. =) Suits any kind of genre except maybe the very heavy kinda metal. But yeah, the tones are excellent.

Well, I guess it's a just a matter of personal preference. Got a lobang for the placid blue body and just couldn't resist the temptation. Hahah.