Gain Heads!!

pedalitis dude,i cant reply your sms nor can i reach you through pm box cus its full.
if you could get this msg the only alternative is to add you up in msn.
or you could add me up.
Interesting thread this is.....:twisted: Well for me my OD/DIST chain goes like this: Keeley katana>barber silver ltd>barber direct drive>goosonique 7theaven :twisted:

These are all the gain i will ever need that pretty much cover most, if not all of the OD/DIST grounds i am searching for.
Catalinbread Dirty Little secret boosted with Lizard Leg effects Flying Dragon. Big Marshall sound with gain control at the guitar's volume pot.

Maxon OD9 Analogman modded ( Low gain OD )

Barber Direct Drive ( Presence + Deep Bass + Extended Treble Mod )

Ehx Metal Muff. ( Really high gain stuff like metal etc. )

So far all that i need,

i wanna try a DLS!! :(
Going thru a Modtone Dyno Drive then to a Goose modded Boss BD-2 Blues Driver (great pedal, thanks to Goose!). My mod Epi VJ is set to "more gain" mode with the gain at 8 o clock. I could get a great Marshall classic rock sound with the BD-2 alone n when I need a thicker tone, I step on the Dyno Drive.

But the only thing is, w/o the gain from my Epi VJ, my pedals won't sound good. So this will be a disadvantage if I jam or gig outside unless I bring my VJ along :) I would love to have the 7thheaven pedal someday...
Guitar > Boss SD-1 > EHX Metal Muff

The gain I get is okay for me. Still searching for a high gain distortion pedal without the fuzzy-ness.
I love my current pedals, even though I've played quite a number of pedals so far and heard others used in the studio. These are my favourites:

- Beta Aivin HM200, for high-gain distortion stuff though if turned down, you can get great classic rock and heavy overdrive tones.
- Digitech Bad Monkey. Built like a tank. Not exactly excellent through a solid-state amplifier set totally on clean, but add a bit of drive to the amp's clean tone (stimulate the breaking up of a tube amp) and set the Bad Monkey's drive to half... Excellent overdrive tone.

Best thing is, they're very affordable pedals.
My signal chain is now Barber B-Custom Cool > Barber Small Fry > Toneczar Openhaus . This lets me go from slightly gritty OD tones, to smoother/open gainier tones (depending on the 'Dynamics' setting), to all out palm muting chunk on the Openhaus.

I also have the following in my box of spare pedals, all of which have different voicings and serve different purposes:

Barber Burn Unit EQ
Barber Dirty Bomb
Cool Cat Transparent OD
Cool Cat Drive
Toneczar Dove (On order, will probably be a mainstay on my board when it arrives)

My wishlist currently includes:

Menatone Shut Up And Drive
Menatone Dirty Blonde
Menatone Kar Krash
Menatone King of Britains
Hermida Audio Zendrive
Hermida Audio Distortion
Catalinbread DLS
Barber DDSS
Nano Metal Muff > OD on Orange Crush 3

the Orange Crush 3 is really a very worth it amp, i have got 2 15watter amp in my house my i mainly use the Crush 3 and who says its soft? i put the volume to about 1/3 and my mum's complaining already. you guys should try this amp out really worth it for just 88bucks. portable too.
Emma Reezafratzitz <--- Visual Sound Son of HYDE <--- Modded TS-9

Awesome Full sounding distorted tones.

the son of hyde has absolutely no fizz and gives wonderful leads when boosted by the TS-9
Reeza is really big sounding. love it.

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