For those who are taking their o lvls this year

i gt 34 for prelims and 12 for o's/ so dont worry. o's aint hard/ just have to have decent knowldege of the subjects.
Gothic lit, econs, C maths and history.....

I'm doing Frankenstein, Jane Eyre and Hotel de Dream for Gothic lit.... you? :D
i m doing dracula,frankenstein n mysteries of udolpho..i tell u mysteries of udolpho is sooo lengthy!!!the actual n main event only happen HALFWAY through the got read it oredi? :)
i did twelfth night and king of the castle for lit. kinda watched the movie for twelf night cos i joined late. haha.
haha i did the same texts for o level - KOTC and twelfth knight....

Mysteries of Udolpho was in my Gothic anthology text I think... don't really know what it's about though..... I haven't finished reading my Frankenstein yet haha, really boring.

My teacher keeps mentioning a lot of supposedly famous Gothic texts - Mysteries of Udolpho, Castle of Otranto, Matthew Lewis's The Monk, The Sicilian, The Italian and a whole lof of other crap..... I just read the summaries and reference them sometimes in my essay haha.

Btw what JC are you in?
Haha ya JC can be stressful at times....... but promos are over now so it's time to relax :D

The one thing I learnt about Gothic lit is that you never really have to analyse stuff very deeply... Just memorise stock Gothic motifs, look for instances in the passage or texts, then just identify theme, quote, infer and evaluate. Works for my teachers :)
mero said:
Haha ya JC can be stressful at times....... but promos are over now so it's time to relax :D

The one thing I learnt about Gothic lit is that you never really have to analyse stuff very deeply... Just memorise stock Gothic motifs, look for instances in the passage or texts, then just identify theme, quote, infer and evaluate. Works for my teachers :)

hehe..yea can enjoy oredi!YEAY!!n thats eaxctly wat my teachers teach for lit
i didnt follow my friends to JC though one guy even said "poly is for useless people". Anyway,now many of them think JC life very rotten...:o My poly lesson hours may be longer, but at least I don't have to study through the night...and guess what, im learning everything the JC counterparts(sci stream) are learning, but a bit more in depth, difference is, our teachers don't push us that hard...(or maybe only MJC is like that? :roll: )
haha..MJC does have a reputation for that eh? actually to tell ya the truth, MJ can be such an over-achiever institution but somehow i really like the people there esp the teachers..they r super caring n i meet a lot of wonderful new friends there too..its not them who r pushing the students crazy..its ermm i guess i shall not say it here la.. :twisted: haha..being sentimental
poly life is great! whaha. just that my interests lay more toward the JC route, so that's why I didn't go to a polytechnic. Two of my best friends are in RP and Ngee Ann and loving it.
dun would be over before u know it..time flies very now..didnt realise i have been sitting in front of my computer screen for 4 hours or
Same! I have to admit I've been on the com since I came home at like 2 or 3 in the afternoon............. oh no that makes it close to 10 hours on the com. Thankfully I did take some breaks though. Moral of the story: Take a break every 45 minutes of computer usage! This message is brought to you by the Singapore Optician's Association*

*A non-governmental, non-profit organisation that is able to say non-governmental and non-profit due to the fact that it doesn't exist.
hahah i have been online sicne 6am i nthe morning. but i mugged during the afternoon and evening until abt 8 pm. so diff story :lol:
wah laos... reading all these post gives me the creeps man... reminded me of my Os... well...

ALL THE BEST to you out there taking it this year!
heyya all you people out there who're taking your O's! listen up if u love music and u're REALLY SURE u wanna make it your life!!!!!

if u're very lost at whether u wanna go to poly or JC or some private institution, and u feel u're very lost cuz u cant see yourself doing any other job than playing the gutiar, running a recording studio or producing large perfomances and productions, check out LASALLE SIA (yes i'm advertising for my school =X hahaha!)

one semester studying there and i can tell u its really the bomb, i dont regret making the choice!

however, beware: if u have a music degree, u're not gona be a scientist or doctor. unlike how u can be a doctor in 5 years time and yet be able to play the guitar as good as Eric Johnson or something. so if u're still not sure, go poly/JC, they keep your choices open!