For those who are taking their o lvls this year

my school had mock mid years, mock prelims, prelims and olvls! LOL.

ahhhhhhhh. but our results still suck. =\ my school actually called for drastic actions to be taken. one class has to stay back till 9pm every weekday! sats, sundays. and the school told us we're the worst batch they've ever seen. like we're still suffering with F9s at prelims. not only one or two students but the whole level! the sch showed the whole level the results of all classes. and gosh, we sure do suck-a whole lot.
aiya, no need scared, as i said, me prelim l1r5 20+, Os 16. So will improve lah, and im one of those die hard cases which even after bad prelims still never study hard. U see those who did study hard, end up get 6
MichaelAngelo said:
aiya, no need scared, as i said, me prelim l1r5 20+, Os 16. So will improve lah, and im one of those die hard cases which even after bad prelims still never study hard. U see those who did study hard, end up get 6
define not studying hard bro.. im suppose to get below 11.. i'm currently quite relaxed actually.. planning to complete a maths tys next week and emaths tys t he folowing week.. dont know if i can do it or not..
oooh... so many softies chiong'ing their Os this yr too XD heh. looks like lots of people had over 20 for prelim results, i did so bad i dont dare to even start counting :S in any case, to remedy that situation, i gave myself cold turkey treatment, no computer for over a week, nearly 2. no more dreams about computer games, i say!

p.s. to all who are taking Os with me this yr, work hard! we need big bucks to fuel our GAS, booze, and what-not :twisted:
Anyone who hasn't started on their revision yet?

*raise a guilty hand*


I'm too busy trying to complete my homework on time to actually start revision. That's the hardest I guess? The starting out. =\
anyways, only a bit more before you guys are liberated from the exams! more incentive to work harder to complete the papers then go do whatever you missed these few months :D
lol indeed! abt the freaked part, i think almost every student is, by now :S heh, i cant help but revise, even if i dont want to, with tuition teachers throwing stacks of previous year's school prelim papers at me, prolly coz they know im so darn lazy :oops:
Fruitwine said:
lol indeed! abt the freaked part, i think almost every student is, by now :S heh, i cant help but revise, even if i dont want to, with tuition teachers throwing stacks of previous year's school prelim papers at me, prolly coz they know im so darn lazy :oops:

theres really no point in doing prelim papers now...cept fot the 2 maths. the o level papers are of a different style altogether so it wud be better if u just did ur TYS. but for maths its ok cos maths is still maths.
I got 41 for R4 man.

Holy hell, I'm seriously gonna need to lock myself in my room and mug my brains out. Anybody seriously superbly talented in the Chemistry area that is willing to give last minute crash course tuition for err.. lunch or dinner?
eh how about a SOFT study group? can help each other out and do some revision at the same time...... I'll try and dig out my old secondary school stuff if anyone needs it, anybody interested? We can set aside specific dates for different subjects....

I can tutor Chemistry, English, Maths (Both E and A), SS, History(only done elective but doing pure hist in JC) and Literature.... Chinese can also but even though my normal chinese is okay my higher chinese failed haha..... My physics isn't very good but I can try to explain the stuff that I DO remember..

So, any takers? Just leave down your name and we'll arrange a study group sometime :D