For those who are taking their o lvls this year

pepper- said:
LOL I played with fire. -_-

As in I played with this lighter and touched the fire to see why the adults love sayin "dont play with fire!" I was in pri1. Sheesh I think I was damn stupid for a pri1 kid. -_-

I think so too =D Okay don't smack me. Haha.. =x Eh I'm supposed to be doing my hw now! WTF am I doing here?!
Sofyan: yeah ... never let kids get near knives and kung fu shows at the same time.

Pepper: yeah .... i burnt a cockroach with a lighter and a bottle of hair spray.

Candie (can die): no worries ... i am studying my Business Finance as i am typing .... trait of Singaporeans .... multi Tasking.
o levels

C''s juz the O levels.. It'll be a piece of cake if u juz mug the dang TYS... the answers are so standard.. they are scales and arppegios man.. =) juz need practice
guitarman78 said:
Sofyan: yeah ... never let kids get near knives and kung fu shows at the same time.

Pepper: yeah .... i burnt a cockroach with a lighter and a bottle of hair spray.

Candie (can die): no worries ... i am studying my Business Finance as i am typing .... trait of Singaporeans .... multi Tasking.

OMG you were an evil kid man! You burnt a poor roach alive. O.O

I'm not a very good multi tasker =x
Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2005 11:29 pm Post subject:


I'm not adickted to you. You are dickless. Lol. =x But yeah I'm bored =(

So you addicted to dicks?

Yeah ... burnt the roach because it disturbed me from sleeping ....

And you can't multi task? well you will learn my little palowan
No I'm not. I'm an innocent, meek little sheep, the sibling of pepper the pure white kambing. =x

I'm still stuck at the same emaths question >.<
haha better than my batch at least! We had to fight everyone and their mothers, fathers, grandparents, ancestors, hamsters and assorted pets for places in every single school :lol:

E-math is simple ... all you need is practice, concepts, practice.

P.S was just kiddin .... btw ... i love kambing soup .. slurp.
candie said:
I'm not adickted to you. You are dickless. Lol. =x But yeah I'm bored =(

Actually I meant... YOU are the dick. "you're a dick ted to me"

LOL. Lalala. Okay let's not be explicit. =X

And ahhhhh dont eat kambings, you #@%&%$&!!!!! Lol.

This thread is soooo off topic. Haha
why???!!! Kambing soup is delicious! And it warms you during cold weather.

You want to be relevant to the topic? Kambing soup is good for passing O levels.