Floyd Rose


New member

is there any floyd rose experienced user?


i wanna try floyd rose guitar but heard that is very troublesome.
is it that it will downtune if doing DIVE too much?
the stringing guitar is troublesome right?
if playing on stage half way, wat if the guitar down tune a lot. cant tune in 5 sec right?

should i get a floyd rose guitar?
is it really that hard to use?


floyd rose can be troublesome at times when it comes to changing strings and stuff.

depending on the bridge you get, the stability will be different. just like good nasi lemak and bad nasi lemak.

some trems stay in tune better, some just lose it when you pull the bar.
ask shred he can give u a list of what bridges to get and what to ignore. a good floyd should stay in tune even with the most extreme of dive bombings.

as in most things in mind the cheap ones arent usually vey good.
freddyyc, don't be afriad of the floyd rose.

Yes, it is more troublesome to take care of, takes more time to change strings, bothersome to tune up... BUT. How much of an issue it is, depends on YOU and YOUR requirements.

I like the floyd rose. I use it a lot. To me, the issues are minimal, a necessary inconvenience if you will, for that 3rd dimension of extra tricks and whammy stuff.

A good floyd rose will stay in tune.

Example: My Ibanez Edge system, once I string on new strings, stretch them a little, lock the nut, I don't unlock the nut till the next string change abount 1 month later.

Finally, its up to YOU to buy one.

My first guitar was a floyd rose equipped one. Did I know what I was looking for? Probably not. However, I did my research, read and read, saw my favourite guitarists use them, so I got one. I choose the Ibanez Edge system because I read that its good. I need about the issues and what not.

TRY IT. Its you, its your hands, your music. Do your research then go for it.
if its gonna be your first guitar, get one with fixed bridge.
for floyd rose guitars, well its nice to have if you want more guitars.
just get those with good floyds.
i got 2 guitars with floyds, both with schallers.

anyway, stringing it isnt troublesome once its properly setup.
and its much easier to set action on a floyd rose :P
not to worry too much fred ... once the nuts r tighten and the strings goes off alittle ... there r always the fine adjustable on the bridge for u to get but into tune ... :D
Yo man fred i'm an EDGE user like ShredCow too. Once u get used 2 it u won't feel a bit bothered abt changing strings.ike me! When i got my guitar this Jan,it took me 3 hrs 2 change my strings.Now, with practice, i take anywhere between half and hour to 50 mins!And believe me,its fast enough.

Recommended FRs to get:
Ibanez EDGE series
Schaller FRs
Gotoh FRs
Original American FRs(quite rare here)
gsonique said:
bend your neck...it does the same effect :lol:

Brother goose bro, I did that, and my vintage 2002 Kapok classical-strung-with-steel-strings-0.13-ala-SRV broke!!!!!!! :evil:

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