Ferrari dirver bashed up in malaysia. i'll be blunt here..

You know, there's a saying, "When you're in Rome, do what the Romans do."

I'm sure Singaporeans very well know what to do when you're in Malaysia. :p

On a more serious note, I will just say it's karma. Whatever goes around, comes around. You will complain that we aren't doing our part, but you have never thought of you guys doing your own part rightfully too. So, the bottomline...

Don't complain and just let it be.
Our neighbours are just envious of how much we are better off since we left that country years ago .
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Our neighbours are just envious of how much we are better off since we left that country years ago . Maybe they should adapt our law? to prevent speeding but then again most Malaysians will go poor cause of that hahah

We should ban you for such comments.

Please, be nice to one another.
i'm with hayabusa on this one. it doesn't matter who you are, what country you are from or what car you drive. the road is public good, no matter what country you are in. the road is meant to be shared and everyone has a responsibility on each others' life.

i don't care how fast one drives on the road. one can do whatever he wants on the road, and it will be between him and the traffic police. but once someone becomes a hazard or a nuisance, every other road user becomes involved.

maybe you need to be a driver to understand; you can do everything right, observe safety and drive defensively, yet still get killed on the road through no fault of your own. i am not a rider, but this is probably more so for motorcyclists. you only need one party to make a mistake for an accident involving many to happen.

there do exist many drivers who are too good for the road, scumbags who are only worth the kind of car they drive, and worthless as a human being.

so please appreciate road usage before you post your smart comments in this thread. i think this is a serious issue and he brought up some relevant points.

now, one thing the TS can be faulted for is assuming that the bugger is one of those jokers on the road just because he is 'from singapore' and drives a ferrari. this is a gross and unfair generalization.

but in his defence, he has mentioned a specific incident and a specific driver. my question is, what are the chances that he is right about this guy? whether or not he should be vindicated if he is right, is up to you. but given the profile of the victim, for TS bro to be proven wrong, would be an exceptional case.
wheres the threadstarter? haha.

I find it ironic that you are asking us to be respectful of malaysia's law with a disrespectful post like that? regarding the ferrari case, wasn't the guy speeding because HE HAD TO??? to get away from thugs?? - thats why he ended up crashing???. sheesh!
hey i gotta agree that alot of times singaporean drivers can be really rude and they really have no courtesy to give way and yet the skills so poor. . . i got quite a few msians friends and well i cant say msia traffic situations are better than ours but at least they tend to be more courteous and understanding and just look at KL traffic jam everyday n till wee hours in the morning sometimes filled with tons of jaywalkers but everyone is so understanding of the situation and in singapore if u slow abit onli kena flashed from behind horns all...

i love msia n the life there and always love going there to visit or holiday
but one thing i don agree with TS is saying we should keep low profile if not thugs get us all or respect country laws and stuff...

laws are always there as a deterent to whatever laws we might break heck or crime to commit, even spitting or littering is also law breaking.. i think its personal morals we have to keep in check.
and this is a true story and not just me knows abt it some of my frens wo r also in soft knows this too, a fren of mine who is a msian got rob a few yrs back.
he is not a singaporean.
he is a very quiet guy n low profile kind.
he is a chinese n he got rob by a chinese.

in this case race doesnt really matter nor nationality i feel.
its really how unlucky or lucky u can be at where and what time, heck even in singapore u can get it too. so to ask us to behave all is just open angst against singaporeans i feel.
cos even if u in singapore n u don behave, u still get caught by police or whack by ah beng gangster or anyone lar..
c'mon lah . singapore and malaysia , we were once together man !

i heard that malaysians hate singaporeans . for some political reasons.
and they always target singaporeans. hmm.