Fender Japan Dealers in The SG?

Rondo Music is makin $$$$$$$ with their SX and Agile's !!

yup you gotta point there Alip ...but we lack patients :D

cheap ..grab first....talk later :P
I scared the 5 string spacing not standard la...

Actually, the first "Rondo Bass" I saw that really make me gas like hell is the Douglas WPB-955T... Mayb it was because that time i so high on Metallica (Rob Trujillo) at youtube la... :lol: :lol:
ALiP_BoB said:
So you guys think SX is worth all the modding? I mean, will the finished product be worth it?

Well, the SX bass i played was a starter pack model and it played well. So if you get the higher end models and mod it, it'll be well worth the mod. If not ... just save up and get a Fender Jap lah ...

Me and Z3r0_G wanted to share a 5-string SX and mod it upside down that time .. hasn't materialised though .. hahhahaha ... but i'll do it if i have the chance ...
i've tried the sx '75 j reissue at woh fatt malaysia. for a s$300 new bass, i'd say that would be one of the best sounding basses to be had for that money.

fit and finish seemed to be okay but the thing needed a good setup. def would have been something i'd be aiming to get if i didn't chance upon my fretless j. if you can get past the headstock saying sx. i could see it being better than a lowend mij fender which go new for s$900?
Start a thread if it DOES materialise... Btw, high end SX? I tot all the same? The ones at Davis are high end or not?
Haha! Yeah that SX at the headstock is quite a barrier, no? Hmmm... Maybe can send it to G77 and the guy can paint over the SX and write a Fender MIA... No one would know... haha!
ALiP_BoB said:
Oh sorry, that was for mr exin, tim, 300 for an SX? Don't you think thats kinda steep?
like i said, the problem is the headstock for most people. get past that and you've got yourself a potentially very good mid level bass.
Slash04 said:
Haha! Yeah that SX at the headstock is quite a barrier, no? Hmmm... Maybe can send it to G77 and the guy can paint over the SX and write a Fender MIA... No one would know... haha!

I think I can live with the headstock... Haha, what i meant was, ain't 300 kinda steep compared to the rondo price? Btw, anybody seen a SX PJ??
well ... if you count in shipping and stuff it's roughly the same actually ... i think those people in malaysia had it shipped from rondo and marked up the price ...

if not you can ship direct from rondo ... Kurt at Rondo is a super nice guy ... alot of customers had nothing but compliment and praise for his attention to customers ...

i gotta agree with tim that SX can really thrash your MIM fenders ... given a proper setup and stuff ...
exin said:
well ... if you count in shipping and stuff it's roughly the same actually ... i think those people in malaysia had it shipped from rondo and marked up the price ...

if not you can ship direct from rondo ... Kurt at Rondo is a super nice guy ... alot of customers had nothing but compliment and praise for his attention to customers ...

i gotta agree with tim that SX can really thrash your MIM fenders ... given a proper setup and stuff ...

Asked Kurt once... He said Rondo don't ship internationally by right but then he said he will help anyway... USD100 shipping plus tax... Worth it?
i think you'll be better off using vPOST to ship lah ... just calculate lorh .. i think vPOST may be cheaper for you ...

or just go to davis and find the one you want .. hahah
exin said:
i think you'll be better off using vPOST to ship lah ... just calculate lorh .. i think vPOST may be cheaper for you ...

or just go to davis and find the one you want .. hahah

Can choose what company you want to ship ah?

it's a SingPost service .. basically they have a US address for you to ship to .. you pay the merchant you're buying from with a credit/debit card .. ask them to ship to the vPOST US address and then wait for vPOST to collect and tabulate your shipping cost .. you pay vPOST .. then they ship right to your doorstep.

have to register with them first though to get your shipping address ...
ALiP_BoB said:
Wahh... Confusing.... Ishibashi all can do this ah?

Ishibashi is a Japanese company .. they don't have any affliation with SingPOST whatsoever ... they just happen to be a Japanese company dealer in Fender Japs ...

different companies have different policies so you gotta check it out ...

but just to let you know that vPOST does help you with overseas shipping lah .. they have a branch in Japan also but doesn't have anything to do with Ishibashi ...