Fender Japan Dealers in The SG?

ALiP_BoB said:
Whatever ishibashi or whoever is using la.. I dunno la, not good at shipping :lol:

goodness ... there's no default shipping ... it really depends where you buy from .. shipping is just a way of getting the goods to you ..

what i'm saying is that you've gotta check out the shipping options available to you when you ship .. see which country offers what .. each country differs very much in their own shipping policies etc. ...
Soo confusing... Nvm la, later2 can... Btw, can you put another pickup at the bridge of a Fender Precision? How much will the job cost?
ALiP_BoB said:
Soo confusing... Nvm la, later2 can... Btw, can you put another pickup at the bridge of a Fender Precision? How much will the job cost?

sure you can .. my friend did it before ... not sure .. 100 plus maybe? ... excluding the pickup of course ...
exin said:
ALiP_BoB said:
Soo confusing... Nvm la, later2 can... Btw, can you put another pickup at the bridge of a Fender Precision? How much will the job cost?

sure you can .. my friend did it before ... not sure .. 100 plus maybe? ... excluding the pickup of course ...

Where did he go to do it?

And what's the point of having another precision pickup at the bridge?? Is there even such thing as precision pickup for the bridge? Of do thy just use a normal P pickup?
jazz pickup you mean ...

usually people want the additional pickup for tonal diversity ... i think you've gotta ask yourself ... why do you need that extra J-pickup at your bridge for?

Is it necessary to drill off some wood just to install that?

If your P-bass serves you well at the moment just stick with it ... learn to vary your tone with your tone control knob and changing the way you handle the strings .. e.g ... playing near the neck for a warm, acoustic tone or over the pickups for that traditional p-bass punchy kind of sound or nearer to the bridge for a bright .. more cutting tone ... and alongside .. vary the passive tone knob on your bass to vary your tone ... if you calculate the possibilities of combining such techniques here and there .. you'd realise you could actually get a wide variety of tones to play with .. WITH JUST A P-BASS PICKUP ...

don't spend unneccesarily if you don't need lah .. =) ...

you could always save the cash for a better bass in the future ..

if you wanna know where to do it .. you can go down to Guitar Workshop ... or there's a shop at Peninsular .. on the 4th or 5th floor .. can't remember where .. where there's a small guitar shop there ... my friend brought his there to get it done ...
Thanks for the long informative post but you didn't read wrong, i really meant PRECISION pickup AT THE BRIDGE :lol:

And thanks for all the replies so far Mr Exin :D
Tried the sx at Davis... I've got to say that the collection they have there all look pretty beaten up... Meh... Looks like shipping is an alternative.. Plus it's cheaper, rite...?
Good point... Who else sells mid-range SX anyway? :twisted:
I'm not sure if you order from rondo cheaper la... Count yourself la...
Cost of SX Bass+US100 for shipping+7% tax=?

And im still not convinced abt SX...
And who else stocks Fender MIJ Precisions?
have u tried the mij p basses at the places we mentioned yet? that's pretty much all the places you can find them in singapore. if you've tried them and am convinced they are what you want, just place an order with g77 to avoid all the shipping hassle otherwise it's cheaper but slightly more complicated but you can just order from ishibashi. if ur on a tighter budget, the ubox is a very good route to go.

no one can convince you what's best. just go out and try.