Fender-Jap ST-50


New member
Hi all, just wondering if anyone has any experience with the ST-50 or the ST-72? Cause I've short-listed this two for my next guitar.
The ST-72 is marvellous. But Jap strats really differs. It might be the same model but the sound might be different. Gotta try it yourself.
The one i tried is really twangish. It's 750SGD. I think it's worth it.
Heard quite alot of rave reviews for the ST-72... Saw the review here... Hmm, so other then the headstock design and the pups, the ST-50 are similar?
ok, i see... cause i wanted to take out the pups and change them to noiseless... so no point i buy the ST-72 then change out the us vintage that is already on it
ST-72 review available in the database but wait till it's fully restored...

i own this guitar- fantastic single coil unit. it's compared too much to the American in terms of construction/ wood generics which should not be the case.

i own this guitar- fantastic single coil unit. it's compared too much to the American in terms of construction/ wood generics which should not be the case.

Why should it not be the case?

The Japan made guitars hold their own against many a MIA strat. Their necks are of very good cuts. While not qtr-sawn (when's the last time you saw a qtr sawn MIA strat?), they seem to have more tendencies for have the random flame (real flame. Not photoflame), and more examples of rift-sawn necks than MIAs. Most MIAs come flatsawn, and are occasionally rift sawn. Even the Custom Shop pieces arent' qtr sawn. Bodywood-wise, their's no audible difference to using 2 or 3 piece alder blocks to multiple blocks. and poplar is not tonally inferior either.

IMO, jap strats are AS GOOD AS if not in some cases BETTER than MIAs. You do need to note though, that many CIJ strats come with a zinc block, which is tone and sustain impeding. But those can be changed, and the mre premium CIJ ones have the correct Stainless Steel ones. The tuners sometimes might be a bit inconsistent, but then again, so are those on the MIAs.

In general, I've never seen a CIJ premium strat with a badly cut neck or string alignment. But I've seen plenty MIA Custom Shop ones with boo boos...

The only thing I begrudge the CIJ strats are the finish. I personally prefer thin nitro, but they just don't make them. Other than that, there's nothing much else to complain about CIJ strats.
Plenty of MIA custom shop with boo boos !! I have yet to see one actually that bad, infact the few custom classic i've seen are fantastic and they resonate like all nite long.

We are talking custom shop not your daily production strat. If that's true, they better have a wake up call, reputation at stake.
Plenty of MIA custom shop with boo boos !! I have yet to see one actually that bad, infact the few custom classic i've seen are fantastic and they resonate like all nite long.

We are talking custom shop not your daily production strat. If that's true, they better have a wake up call, reputation at stake.

Go look at the one in the back display at Swee Lee MFO. The 1st E string is OFF the neck. And that's not the only one.:rolleyes:

It depends on how much one scrutinises the guitars. I've seen a custoemr walk out with a custom shop which I refused to buy because the bridge was off. I winder why he didn't notice...
Go look at the one in the back display at Swee Lee MFO. The 1st E string is OFF the neck. And that's not the only one.:rolleyes:

It depends on how much one scrutinises the guitars. I've seen a custoemr walk out with a custom shop which I refused to buy because the bridge was off. I winder why he didn't notice...

How do you play a guitar with the string off the neck???
You sure that's not a problem with mis-handling or set-up problem from the reseller? Most guitar need a setup once it's shipped out from the factory.

there's a difference between setup and the make of the guitar. Custom shop are pride of Fender. If a custom shop guitar can leave the factory not undergoing stringent QC, that's something very wrong about it. I'm not saying all custom shop guitar are good some might just slipped pass the QC, but so are Jap strat or any other guitar, not to mention the hundreds of production guitars produced each day. Chances are higher for production strat, may it be Jap or MIA.
Why should it not be the case?

the Jap Fenders are absolutely worthy guitars but because they bear the 'Fender' monicker, they're always put down as second best in light of the American makes. i deem the Jap Fenders to be superb guitars per se. would buy it even if it's devoid of the Fender tag...
Then Mr Sub is the ST-50 similar? as in worth the money?

the ST-50 is also impressive (but the neck specs differ in feel, suggest you try both if it's within your means) but could have been better in terms of pickups . the ST-72 having 'better' pickups is really subjective but since you are going to swap them out anyway, it might just be a worthy move...

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