female drummers

I happen to be a male drummer...

how do u date drummer? i can play guitar too no problem...

but bass.... :roll: not so well lah lol

how? lets do coffee hot female drummer :D
hush-d said:
lol ixora05 we should form an alliance of female drummers. :D exclusively ladies!

yes! lol. although that would be a lil mean. We should look at a drummer and see drummer, not guy/girl. but it would be fun.
Haiyo all this talk about hot drummers... Singapore weather already so hot. It gets worse when playing at outdoor gigs. Any hotter, all drummers will kena spontaneous combustion like the drummer in Spinal Tap :lol:
Since the thread has already derailed, here's a totally random picture for all of you!

mero.....u stay on ur comp too long already isit....eye got problem liao...or bain a bit juicy already :lol: :lol: :lol:
I think it's both...

A heady concoction of delirium and myopic visions has caused my lapse in sanity which is only punctuated by bouts of lucidity in which I pause to type a few sentences on the forum and click the button saying Post Reply.

In other words, I'm bored. :lol:
chewy said:
I heard of a local one. Audrey, Berklee graduate. Her band is Walking On Water.

yea, i've heard her play at a workshop and then at a gig as an alumni for some school... ahh, she's good! many drummers i've heard (local), girls and guys, can play well (rolls and fills and funky grooves and drum solos and fast songs, etc) but they can't keep a beat. audery, she's good! one of those walking metronomes...

i personally know of a few female drummers, and those that really wanna be a good drummer, they're good! one girl in my church started learning drums less than a year ago and now she owns, serious! i also know of a girl who can do a drum roll, (those on the snare, i think its called a push roll or something, used a lot in marching bands that kinda stuff) very smoothly, clearly, at a constant beat, AND u can see the amount of control she has of the sticks. its amazing, really.

so there, guy drummers out there, girls CAN do what you do, its just more dainty if they dont go headbanging with their hair flying around and making lots of noise hitting the drumset so hard the person sitting next to it is gonna get deaf.
lepids said:
sure a female drummer will kick some ass as a date! i would definitely love to have such a girl as a date or maybe a shredder. :D
that would be so cool!

hot female drummers...they wud be good on a date got they definately got the strokes to up the tempo...ha haha... 8)
i'm a female drummer

hehe..i agree that arent many female drummer here...mostly female gor for guitars or vox..i've been playing drum abt a yr plus now..still not that gd as male drummerslah...but trying to learn now...especially malay girls..there arent many of them..so far i dun know of any malay drummers here...i'm a malay n i'm proud to be 1..hehe...only 1 thing i'm trying to keep up is stamina n move my hands as fast as possible..hehe...n also play double pedal...but of coz one by one lah...hehe...u rock girls!!
there r female drummers tht r gd. one of the bands i used to play for had this sweet 21 to 23 somewhere-ard-there female drummer. n looks can b deceiving. band is black metal. n she can grind n double pads at 16th note 200bpm constantly.
I have a great passion for percussion music and i just started picking drum lessons up recently.. One thing i realised too that there are many girls and women taking up drum lessons but sadly see hardly any of them out there visible in Singapore. Hopefully to see someone out there soon.. I really request girls and women out there to go all the way out to give your best shot in drums.. its not jus necessary that you got to be fast in playing to be well known.. One can also be known for the skills and techniques n etc.. So don't get discouraged.. Lets work ourselves out there.. Anyway you guys and gals do check out Carola Grey who is one of the famous female drummer beside Terri Lyne Carrington, Sheila E. and Cindy Blackman.
