female drummers

DECIBEL! ahahaha. i think it's decibelles? lol. if im not wrong. right atee? anyway, yea their drummer looked good, played good, sounded good, but music no good. like she looked bored or sth. no offense to any decibelles here. haha. and omg, i havent yet to hear any one playing kylie minogue in a jamming studio. maybe i'll play to seanpaul one day -_-"
Yep Decibelles. Cause it's almost allgirl? DeciBELLES. Hahaha. Go figure. Tainted Friday's allgirl. Feeling thickskinned today.
Oh hoh... that's a toughie... I don't know how to answer that... woohoo!

I guess that drummer for the Corrs could count as pretty.
Eva from fleurs du mal haha she`s hawt hawt hawt

So far, apart from eva, the only gd female drummer ive heard and seen is the drummer from decibelles loh lol :D locally lah.
personally, I think that the '3 minute thing' applies to both genders. There are many guys who pick up for the wrong reason, to try to impress girls. Whether you have the will to continue learning and the passion to sustain you through the frustration and setbacks you'll encounter along the way has nothing to do with your gender.
Don't mistake me for a hardcore feminist :P I'm just trying to set the record straight, and hopefully no one out there thinks poorly of female drummers, that we have less stamina or whatever rubbish MCPs have come up with.
The femme drummer from THE DONNA'S is hot!!

she injured her wrist last year bcos she hit the drums too hard... 8O
sheila E anyone?

went for her "concert" titled abraham and friends. she was the drummer for that concert. very nice! :D she did some double bass solos and threw 2 pairs of drumsticks to the audience. what was amazing was that she could throw the drumsticks and pick up some sticks from her bag so fast!
lol now anything to do with females has gotta do with being hot! tsk! WHY CANT FEMALE DRUMMERS BE AVERAGE LOOKING N ATTRACT ATTENTION! ahahaha. k, kidding. and lol does the white stripes' drummer pass off as a female drummer? -_-" even though her beats are simple, they're powerful mannnn. haha.
Lombardo said:
WiZaRd said:
Eva From Fluer De Smal Kicks serious ass too. Grinds and fires the pedals way better than some male drummers in SIngapore Here today. Wonder how she's doing now ...

Eh syed, its fleur du mal lah 8) :P

Haha..really?? i tot i saw the spelling like that at sum poster.Haha forgot. Whu are you by the way?
Iam ur fren. I know u but u do not know me ahhaaaaaa.

Give u a clue, i session drums for your ex-band at IJ stdio in 2003'. there were 2 keys player in the band hahaha...
totally agree with hush-d. Females have an extra battle to fight--not only must we be DAMN good, cos an average female drummer would just be booed but we have to be pretty too. hmmmph. Do we look at guys and look at whether he's hot or not before we say he's good? if a girl does that she's accused of being shallow. whereas when guys do that, they're just 'being guys.' fairness people. goodness. so much for women's lib.
Let's all wear nerdy glasses so guys can learn not to give a hoot about looks then. ;)

It's something we can't change, really. It's quite rare to see female drummers, so the hormones suddenly wake up and there you have it.

All you need is your own skill. Don't really matter what other people think. If they think you're good because you're a girl who can play a beat, so be it. If they think you won't ever be good because you're a girl, will you let it get to you?

Just play for yourself. :)
I think being a passionate serious and committed musician, it`ll come to a point where the issue of sexuality dosen matter. Heck, you wun even bother abt the issue. I do know a lot of gd musician, who viewed fellow musicians as musicians regardless of sex. Whether male, female all the same, no such thing as male can do it or female cant do it...

At that point, the musician would prob be blasting her brains out on ways to improve yada yada yada then think abt sexuality issue kekeke...
true. But when you encounter people who should have no bias having a bias, like teachers, it becomes difficult to focus solely on skills. And you have to admit, it will get on a girl's nerves when she hears a really good drum solo coming from a girl who's about average looking and a guy going disgustedly, "she's not pretty at all." haiyoh. headache.
hehe thats probably a true in many guys heads lol..

nevertheless i feel female drummers quite cool...

the only one i hav seen was caroline corr even tho she wasnt exactly a gd drummer but she played well for her kind of music and den back den i didnt noe how to drum so was pretty intrigued...

and yea i would probably notice a band with a female drummer more than a male
disclaimer: my opinions are formed by my experience with my students (and 80% of them were females)

i should say that females analyse, grasp, understand and learn (eg rudiments) better than males, and they manage certain dynamics with lesser effort than males as well. they are mindful of what you tell them to take note when they practise plus they have a better learning attitude too (males and their pride...argh). one of the obvious reasons why they pick up fundamentals quicker than males - they're not shy to be corrected.

however, dynamics like open and closed strokes, accents and moving round the kit - the males manage them more swiftly. the biggest difference is the males are more "innovative". they can do all kinds of shite like a trill+accented semiquaver+paradiddle with cym and snare etc etc. i figured it's probably due to the logical minds males have.
also, males DO have more stamina than females. unacceptable to some, but true.

bottomline, the female students progress faster in the initial stages, but the male students go further in drumming.