disclaimer: my opinions are formed by my experience with my students (and 80% of them were females)
i should say that females analyse, grasp, understand and learn (eg rudiments) better than males, and they manage certain dynamics with lesser effort than males as well. they are mindful of what you tell them to take note when they practise plus they have a better learning attitude too (males and their pride...argh). one of the obvious reasons why they pick up fundamentals quicker than males - they're not shy to be corrected.
however, dynamics like open and closed strokes, accents and moving round the kit - the males manage them more swiftly. the biggest difference is the males are more "innovative". they can do all kinds of shite like a trill+accented semiquaver+paradiddle with cym and snare etc etc. i figured it's probably due to the logical minds males have.
also, males DO have more stamina than females. unacceptable to some, but true.
bottomline, the female students progress faster in the initial stages, but the male students go further in drumming.