Featured Restoration (A Broken 12-string)


New member
A brother in Christ has brought to me his dear Takamine 12-string after a tragic incident that occurred in his house. Fortunately only his 12-string is affected and nobody was harmed, Praise God. He told me to be wary of IKEA shelves, don't load it with too much weight ... his Takamine 12-string has suffered impact blows from a string of falling objects when his IKEA shelves gave way under the constant loading of the items it was supporting. The impact has resulted in a broken headstock. It was indeed a guitar lovers' nightmare, equally to a guitar restorer ... This is one of those challenging restoration jobs that are talked about ...

This brother is a close friend to me. I took up this challenge as a way to reciprocate my gratitude towards him for being a brother in Christ and a faithful friend.

Lets' take a look at the start state. The headstock was totally severed from the rest of guitar.



See the rest of the pictures in my blog: http://cadam7777777.blogspot.com/2011/01/featured-restoration-broken-12-string.html
curious, how much do you charge for such a tedious job?

The market rate is any amount from SGD $100 to $200. If the crack is very neat, not much to do, therefore the rate will on the low end.

To the rest, thanks for the kind words. My desire is to serve the guitar community here!
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Very reasonable pricing indeed. I've seen really bad broken headstock restoration jobs that don't last at all. I'm sure that everyone can see how much effort you put into restoring that particular guitar. really nice.
good stuff!

Great Job

Does she stay in tune after the restoration?

Hi junkiemanxl,

It stays in tune. I have been playing for a week over. Frankly, a lot can be done. As i'm not full-time and also without a workshop, I could only do what I can. However, given the equipment limitations I reckon the outcome as satisfying.

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