EXCLUSIVE: Bombay Ghee's OPEN MIC download.

After rubbing the ghee, spread yourselves flat (legs closed) on a hot frying pan, and finally make yourselves useful FOR ONCE by feeding the hungry SOFTies.

Fish curry to go with that please.


Please supply blindfolds for spectators when viewing the wrestling..

Psst, I heard someone say Paul Ponnudorai better than you 8O
My dear snuffle.

You were always my fav when i watched the show when i was still a wee kid.

yes gr3y it shall be then. Remember to say:I!!! If in favour. or the votes wont be counted.

Btw paul ponnodurai sounds like country man. We don't fight countrymen. Love and Peace.
bombay_ghee said:
yes gr3y it shall be then. Remember to say:I!!! If in favour. or the votes wont be counted.


But ghee I do worry for your safety in these tumultous times, especially with gr3y elite skills in ds1 modding. Perhaps an onslaught of your immense knowledge in the arts of the east would do justice to the danger posed by the modded ds1.

Good luck Ghee.

I will support thee in the oil wrestling match as well.
eh ghee has your arm healed already?
don't waste your time in singapore come back to melbourne to rock lah!
It seems that you are referring me to a fellow country man from a band called THE SUNS. Sorry but although some people think all our country men look the same we're not.

I rock only for the motherland.
Dei why no pose with guitar ....

Aye DEY! Where you got that la dey!

Well...alright, since the truth is almost out.

I am a man of many talents as most of you already know.

That card board cut out was me during me first bollywood movie debut. I was approached by many script writers, directors and producers, looking to sign me on for a few shows. They felt that my influence on the community would rake in high ratings.

The motherland has given me so much. So, i said yes to give something back to the people. Not only did i act the leading role, but i also scored the movie's music and some of the art directing.

It may come as a shock to you all, but sometimes, you just can't hold back talent.


somewhere in singapore using this nick is an insecure kid trying to be cool and make a name for himself.

where's your gig gonna be held at?
Aww come on, occasionally we need some entertainment here, rather than same old boring pissing contests...

once in a while lah! :D