Ex-Blink 182 drummer critically injured!

roninriot, give it a break will ya.
its might please u to put down people here in forum with your perfect english and all that jazz.
we get the point.
dearxarson, I'd much rather respond the way I do instead of outright angry assaults just like the way you did with visa on 'The most local awesome gig you've been to' thread.

But hey, I'll back down cause you're the senior. :) I'll refrain.
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Anirudh had a completely valid point in that people like Hendrix and Bonham did choose their own fates by choosing to abuse alcohol and drugs. Way to be a douche with your post. "Desperate resort for a retort"? Please, calling people "bigots" and "fodder" hardly classifies as an intelligent comeback. The way you put down him and his opinion just makes you come across as cocky and a real smart ass.

Nicotine is as addictive a substance as any, and is no doubt responsible for many deaths, directly or indirectly. In fact, it's more toxic than other substances like cocaine. So how is smoking any different from heroin? Pretty hypocritical, isn't it?
If heroin and nicotine were the same, should the government legalize both or ban them?

Anyway, never mind. Bored of this post. Time to move on!
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Aww hell, it's easier to control and make money out of one drug than two eh? Besides, our government'd be under pressure from the other big boys in the UN if we were to ban or legalize both of them.
Anirudh, that posted image you had with the Olympics and 'retarded' person was actually quite funny :) Just saw it. I mean, NOT funny that the kid suffers from the metal illness, but funny response nonetheless lol. I'm saving it on my comp!

Actually, since the topic is up,
Does anyone know how heroin and cocaine damages the body in different ways?
And does weed actually DIRECTLY cause harm to the body more or less than cigarettes?
And which drug is considered the most toxic?
I'm quite clueless on this one. They're all bad, but I'm just not aware of specifically how they are.
I know glue sniffing causes tiny holes to form in the brain.
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Not a question of whether they should legalize or ban them. Personally, I never saw the logic in legalizing cigarettes, except to give some allowance to people to do as they please and get loads of money. It's scientifically proven to be a deadly substance, which is the grounds on which other drugs are banned, yet we're allowed to buy them from any old stall. It should a matter of "either-or". Either legalise everything, or ban all of them. What if cigarettes never really caught on, and we could get packs of cocaine from 7-eleven instead, and cigarettes were banned? Isn't it the same thing?
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I guess if cigarettes were banned, then the government would be losing a huge chunk of tax profits from people. A big piece. Plus, I think banning cigarettes would lead to a major outcry from smokers that isn't worth dealing with in term of benefits.

But apparently, in the years to come, cigarettes will be made even more expensive and with fewer places to smoke up.

But I think there's a thread that discusses this if I'm not wrong.
hello levan, it's nice to see you again.
Somehow or rather, you seem to attract flask wherever you go!
All your fanboys (no im not insulting you Levan don't get me wrong), seem to follow you everywhere, and whenever you say something and someone else objects they're always here to shoot them down. Kudos!

So I'm here to stand on the other side (because i think it's right, and i like playing for the underdogs) :cool:

" Originally Posted by Anirudh
Tho i respect Hendrix for his music, i dont think he deserves to be worshipped. That guy was a crackhead and drowned in his own vomit, i mean cmon..he literally killed himself."

And you said:

"So are The Beatles supposed to be downsized because they smoked weed and took LSD?

Don't discredit the musician for their personal lifestyles

They created great music, living or dead, drug user or otherwise, and they deserve to be respected for their craft and as icons.

Don't be a bigot."

aww we all know it isn't nice to call people names and shoot them down! and about the point that people see druggie musicians and MIGHT emulate them, it is an undeniable fact.
It's always more entertaining when your fave singer has syphilis/anorexia/is addicted to cocaine/molests little kids.
It is true that it makes them stand out (either in a positive or negative light), but if a kid emulates them (because admit it, we all either do stupid things or purposely do the opposite of what mommy said for the kick out of it.), the "model" is undeniably, and definitely, a bad influence.
With great power comes great responsibility, so if all stars weren't crackheads/smokers.

Oh one last thing : "You lumped SMOKERS of tobacco into the same category as drug users. If that isn't being a bigot, I don't know what is."

I apologise for my ignorance, but what comprises of the stuff in a ciggy?
(okay found it!)

Just a few to name,
Nicotine ( the main addictive ingredient)
Ammonia (Ammonia speeds up the delivery of the nicotine. It freebases the nicotine in the same way as a crack user takes cocaine.)
Cadmium - Stuff used to make batteries (Used to make batteries, cadmium is known to cause kidney damage. It increases the risk of developing lung cancer.)
Carbon Monoxide - (This is the same chemical pushed out by cars. It prevents the blood carrying oxygen around the body.)

sorry if i bored you i am a bio student after all.

point is, you first attacked anirudh, he refuted it, you said he shouldnt lump smokers and crackheads tgt, other joined the fray, and im here to prove (with evidence!), that YES, a cigarette can cause the exact (and many more !) effects that a drug has, and it is EVEN MORE POTENT THAN SUBSTANCES NORMALLY ABUSED (what we call drugs), considering a cig releases 4000+ chemicals when smoked.

thank you and have a nice day!
Hello vickomaniac!
It's nice to see you again! Did you managed to do well for the exams? Last I heard from ya was that post where you were not allowed to come online cause of them? Damn! :)

Anyway, I already wrote to him via private message that nothing I type here is for real, at least to me. But I did apologize to him if he did take anything I said personally. It is a forum and I kind of enjoy getting flak (I know, it's like BDSM! :D) but ya know, a forum is a forum to me and nothing more - just a bunch of nick names on a screen. I know not everyone will agree on this, and that's why I get the flak sometimes! heh. But it doesn't affect me cause to me, most of these guys are probably cool and nice people to know in real life. And a forum and some disagreeing opinions won't change that at all!

But the reason why I don't lump cigarettes and hard drugs together is because one is legal and the other you can get hanged for! That's the one major contrast, based on society's general judgment and not the scientific breakdown of course :)

As for the fanboys bit, I really disagree with that! Firstly, I don't have any fans. Secondly, they should be respected for their own opinions and their individual stance. It's kinda degrading to call them that.

But yes, you did make a great point in your post and you are right, I did pick on him first :)

So here's a ++10!
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haha no i didnt i just couldn't live without soft! it's so entertaining(:
glad my post made sense, and yeah everyone is entitled to their own opinions, and not everyone will like it so we just gotta be happy and nice, and whenever you think what an idiot someone is, don't be a bigot, think of fluffy pink hippobunny hybrids and a thousand mini rainbows!

about the fanboys bit, perhaps that was the wrong term, apologies!

Glad you're playing nice now Levan, good on ya(:

Remember, fluffy pink hippobunny hybrids and a thousand mini rainbows!

I'm always (try to be!) nice to peeps in real life vicki! It's just that, ya know, forums are made for discussions. A little bickering here and there encourages repeat visits from curious onlookers lol. If everybody was nodding in agreement and patting each other on the back all the time it'd be so boring :) Like, um.... Manchester United winning every single game every time. So boring, and that never happens :D Or like, um, er, the same 4d numbers coming out as first prize all the time? Ok, scrap that - that'd be awesome!

Sorry too much coffee. My examples are messed up but yeah :D
yep true the entertainment value definitely goes up when there's drama in the thread!
But how about you don't start the fire for once and we'll see how it goes! (:
Why drink coffee when you can eat glucos powder? :D
I don't start the drama all the time, ya know? :) maybe every once in a while yes :D Just that you happen to be magnetically drawn towards me when I do kick up drama...........

(Cough, chokes, pukes, dies!!!)
yes you do, don't deny it! :P

yarz i comez to helpz becuz you is bullyin the otherz!

and god i'd skip the coughing and just die.
It's scientifically proven to be a deadly substance, which is the grounds on which other drugs are banned, yet we're allowed to buy them from any old stall. It should a matter of "either-or". Either legalise everything, or ban all of them. What if cigarettes never really caught on, and we could get packs of cocaine from 7-eleven instead, and cigarettes were banned? Isn't it the same thing?

Are hard drugs really banned because they're deadly? For every one person who has been harmed with illegal drugs, there are dozens of people who have used illegal drugs and were not harmed. For every one person who has been harmed by illegal drugs, there are 1,000 people who harml themselves by deliberately choosing these harmful lifestyles...

* Being overweight
* Smoking cigarettes
* Eating high-fat/high-cholesterol diets
* Eating too much meat
* Participating in dangerous sports/activities
* Drinking alcohol
* Eating too much sugar
* Eating too few fruits/vegetables
* Drinking too much coffee
* Getting little/no exercise
* Too little sleep
* Overwork and stress-related problems
* Anti-social/seclusionist behaviour

Why don’t the prohibitionists advocate banning all of the above harmful lifestyles? The prohibitionists tolerate people who hurt/kill themselves with tobacco, alcohol, poor diet, or no exercise, but they refuse to tolerate people who harm themselves with cocaine. Why? Inconsistent! Illogical! Irrational!

The real reason why marijuana, cocaine, LSD, and other drugs are illegal: Lifestyle control! Prohibitionists fear that if drugs are legalized, the “drug culture” will spread to the rest of society. Nobody can force others to use drugs! Adults must take responsibility for their own health! Because the prohibitionists have decided that drugs are wrong for them does not give them the right to force their lifestyle on others. Prohibitionists want government to play the role of parent. Prohibitionists believe they must babysit adults. Prohibitionists are the lifestyle police!

In the last 25 years, per capita alcohol and tobacco consumption has decreased significantly. This was accomplished by education and treatment, not by threat of punishment! Drug use/abuse would drop significantly if we spent our resources on education and treatment instead of law enforcement. No rational person would call for imprisonment of smokers and drinkers in order to reduce tobacco and alcohol use. But that method is exactly how we try to reduce drug use. The savings to be had in ending the drug war could easily pay for all the drug treatment and education programs we need. The drug war is a failure! Education and treatment work!
Yes all those are also bad..

But somehow the brainwashing wants us to believe that drug is bad.

SOME is bad.Like Heroin, Cocaine. Those are bad.

but marijuana, LSD, I don't see much harm.

although the babysitters would probably have another answer