

New member
Hi guys, don't mind me asking, but may I know what an equaliser is used for?

And are there any recommendations on cheap (reasonably priced i mean) yet good guitar tuners which I can add to my pedalboard?

I am still learning all these stuff. Sorry for the inconvenience caused to all you fellow softies out there.
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I use a Korg DT-10. 100 bucks flat. Good, accurate, reliable and relatively cheap. There are many other viable options out there.
ttimothyy, just to add on abt the tuners, its worth it to get a good one. ;)

The Korg DT-10 is a good tuner.

Might be pricey to you, but being in tune is a golden rule.

To answer your first question: "what is an equaliser used for".

I guess some of us here are pretty particular about our tone and some of us aren't that anal about it.

For me.. I'm pretty anal about how my tone sits within a band situation.

As I'm sure you migh have seen before, loads of amplifiers out there have their own on-board EQ. However, more often than not, this EQ is limited to a "high", "mid / contour" and "low".. each paying attention to the treble, midrange and bass frequencies which come from your guitar and out through the speakers.

Normally, loads of guys think that a 'scooped' setting (whereby the mid-range of the tonal spectrum is turned down to 2-3 and the bass and treble is around 7-8?) is great. However, with my own personal experience such settings do not enable guitarists to hear themselves because when the whole band kicks in the sound of the guitar is swallowed up by the surrounding frequencies.

So the ideal siutation is to have a proper tonal balance on the amps.

Here's where the equaliser comes into play: you can use the 6-7 band EQ sliders on any given EQ pedal to sculpt your own tone irregardless of the amp's settings. So you could have a really 'scooped' tone coming from the amps, but if you can't seem to get it out of that 'metal' mode (due to some hidden scoop contour button somewhere) you can use the EQ pedal to compensate.

I normall put all of the amps' EQ settings of bass, mids and trebles on 6.5 before kicking in my EQ pedal for some bottom-end boost and a slight cut in mid-range for clarity. My OD pedal has a higher mid-range bump to it so that the switch between clean and OD is ok (since clean sounds are generally better with less mid-range).

Hope this helps. And I understand that what I have mentioned above might vary according to different users due to individual taste.

Some of you prefer less mids, less treble or whatever. Share your experiences perhaps?
ttimothyy said:
Hi guys, don't mind me asking, but may I know what an equaliser is used for?

It's used for playing around with the frequency makeup.

Used to shape your sound basically. :D
an EQ unit is a tone sculptor- enhance the frequencies you like, reduce the ones you don't.

my fav EQ:

i recommend a danelectro fish n chips. cheap and good. very quiet EQ pedal. but u may have problems with the footswitch like i did.
the dano is good... cheap and quiet.

But note, whatever the eq pedal, when you use it to BOOST frequencies, you get noise. How much noise? That depends on how much you boost and your tolerance of noise.
I use the EQ only for my scoop mids wank myself crazy chugga chugga mood.

Other than that, I've got no use for it. Heh heh....
Funny thing ah, when I had a Boss GE7 LONG time back, my eq was in an inverted V. Yeah, crazy boosted mids.

but that into a MG30DFX, i was getting some crazy ass modern distortion tones...

And it was noisy.
ShredCow said:
Funny thing ah, when I had a Boss GE7 LONG time back, my eq was in an inverted V. Yeah, crazy boosted mids.

but that into a MG30DFX, i was getting some crazy ass modern distortion tones...

And it was noisy.


hahahahahahhaa..... :lol:
Yeah man,
Was reading on harmony central about it...

Funny thing was, it wasn't muddy but rather, it kind of got the Freak Kitchen tone, right there. Interesting how it interacted with the amp's eq.

Nowadays, I can get that, if I run my 2 drive pedals into a line6 amp running clean.
Dear Santa,

I promise I'll be a good 31 years old and I'll drink less beer and spend less time in the toilet standing with one hand on the wall.

I want the Neutralizer very much. Thanks in advance bro Santa bro!


Hi, just want to know, BOSS EQ-20 is an analog or digital based pedal?

anyone owned it here? does it sounded like other multifx after tone shaping?
tany said:
i recommend a danelectro fish n chips. cheap and good. very quiet EQ pedal. but u may have problems with the footswitch like i did.

went to yamaha at PS to look for the fish&chips but the fella told me they had no more stock..
guess the only fish and chips there was at long john silvers at B1..
anyways.. you guys know anywhere else i could get the danelectro fish&chips?? i wanna give it a try...
Hurhur edder still can't control himself doing u-know-wat :twisted: i'm not anal abt my EQ but it does help in some situations.

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