Encouraging More People To Join In?

y'know there's alot of times I talk to bands or they ask me about recording stuff and I'll be like "You go on soft forum?I got a recording FAQ there." and they tell me "no, never been , never will." / "i don't like to waste my time with forums"

Tell them this "A Good Sales Person Don't Do Different Things, He Does things DiFFERENTLY"

SOFT FORUM does things differently ...
James, the MOE idea is interesting. That will REALLY increase the number of people if we fit into the school education system. What is the current situation with the school music lessons? What is taught? If this concept develops further and has more potential (ie we have more concrete ways of actually fitting into the school music education), I can contact somebody I know in the MOE - somebody who's high up and deals with policy changes.
Ya, need more 'insider' information on the MOE thing. Any school teachers here can email me?

I also try to 'sell' the idea to this gentleman I met.


* Mr Lui is really tall ok, I am 1.73m.
Isit possible to first start off by listing down the websites that are Singapore music related? Or that can help Singapore music first?

What I am seeing right now is that we have so many Singapore music related portals and websites and blogs, with each of them having the common ground of promoting Singapore music, but doing things on their individualistic grounds.

I know there are plenty of lists of such and such here in Soft. But again, it's the combing through of countless threads that turns off them new folks.

If we want to have a true representative of a website that is all about Singapore music, a simple page with a comprehensive list of all the bodies, organisations, companies, movement, groups etc etc would be a good starts. Music for Good, Aging Youth, Beats Society, Soft etc etc... All listed under one comprehensive list in a simple website that is eye catchy and user friendly enough for peopel to visit.

Then, we can slowly add elements to the website: Download a track by a featured local artist of the week, a feature of a local band or artist, reviews etc etc. Again, these can come in much later, when there are enough people who could volunteer their time for it.

I would suggest starting off with a simple list and then work from there.

2 cents.
long time ago we had a SOFT t-shirt right? maybe we can have that again. show of support + free publicity. you don't even have to make any money out of it to get some returns. and to put my money where my mouth is

Plan, plan and plan...

Yes, I concur with THOA's suggestions.

I believe that like everything else, the process needs to be simplified to cater to just about everybody.

Different people here may have different objectives and perspectives regarding the whole local music promotion thing.

Some people would like to think more of it being a profitable business, some think passion and the love for music in general. Some people are just coming out and experimenting, while others are sort of established and want to take their music to the next level. Some people are just even contented to expand their social network and regard music as a stress reliever but some take it really seriously.

We have a gamut of individuals and people who have different ideas altogether about how the whole experience of visiting www.soft.com.sg should be like, including the owner(s) and moderators.

So, it all boils down to what these people, who have given birth to this whole SOFT thing and we bunch of SOFTies, want. Come up with a simple list of basic objectives that are fundamental and critical to how things move forward from now on and then consult the SOFT community. Then, move on from there.

Right now, I think most of us are agreeable that a nice transition would be from a strictly forum based website to one with the necessary graphical elements that will provide a nice aesthetic to the overall experience of interaction with both the website and the community within. That means, keeping the forum element (duh! hee hee) but introduce a sort of more welcoming first impression for entry to the site and thus making it more memorable to any user. That will satisfy the marketing aspect of making the surfng experience a visually pleasant one. Of course, navigation is also very, very important. No point having fantastic graphics but the website user ends up feeling lost and that horrible experience will most probably leave a negative impression and he or she will not return.

Thus, I think before we all continue all these wild ideas and get the administrators confused, it is really imperative that a list of common realistic goals be laid out and discussed, before anything practical can be done.

Do we want to look just like another website like Audioreload or a host of other websites that share the same goals as SOFT? Or do we want an original, fresh flavour while still satisfying at least 80% of what we want to achieve out of this website and this beloved community of ours.

I haven't scoured through but have there been any events where SOFTies have met each other in person and shared ideas and experiences? Besides being an excellent avenue to network, publicise and reach out to the existing communities and newbies - I think it is critical as a community to at least be able to put the faces to the respective nicknames. It'll hopefully bring us closer together and know what are our plans for the local music scene and how we can each contribute ideas to make it more vibrant or even profitable.

I can already see the myriad of business and service providers jumping at this opportunity to sell their services and reach out to the consumers who regularly need their jamming or recording studios/their musical instrument products/music video production etc etc.

So, let's all (at least those who are really interested and are able to contribute in any tangible way) brainstorm on exactly how to move forward since we are so passionate about what we are doing now.

How about it?

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hecklerkoch, which website you feel is nice and suitable for SOFT to research?

We used to do monthly gathering at The Arts House some time back. Currently, I am sourcing for a suitable venue to do these gatherings. Hopefully can house about 150 - 200 SOFTies.
Thanks for the update. Interesting. My stats are old! However, the stats calcalated is household penetration, not overall population. Many rich people stay by themselves and have internet access; others who have many people living in a 3-room HDB (for example) may not have internet access. So the numbers do not say exactly
how many people has access.

And because there is cross-over between dial-up and broadband, we cannot just add up the 2.

But it certainly is quite a high number. Singapore is doing pretty well. It seems that the wireless services has given more people access to internet (as what IDA said they used to calculate).
Cheez: No problemo.

But I don't quite get your point about richer people staying alone - Their internet provider will still include them in figures submitted to IDA right? *shrug* anyway, that's not the main gist of this thread, don't wanna derail the topic any further :)
hecklerkoch, which website you feel is nice and suitable for SOFT to research?

We used to do monthly gathering at The Arts House some time back. Currently, I am sourcing for a suitable venue to do these gatherings. Hopefully can house about 150 - 200 SOFTies.

Will have to get back to you on that one, sir..

Gonna surf a bit and see see...

Weckl-x, to complete the OT discussion... what I meant is that one household does not equate to one person. So 72.9% of household does not equate to 72.9% of the population in terms of people. It is probably much less in terms of population because there is higher people per household ratio for those who cannot afford internet.

OK. Back to main topic!
so what about those damn kids hogging the computers at cathay cinema with free internet surfing?

and the ones that hog the tables at AMK / Kallang / ECP macdonalds and worse, the powersocket!

haha whats the stats like for these..

hey talking about interaction. i remember those days of IRC , there used to be "Channel outings" ? I know there's soft outings before. but we're usually the busy fellas to attend anything... it's not that it's a waste of time, it's good, but we got "better" things to do.
I suspect many of you will sit up and straight and pay attention when I mention the word...



Rock The Region Tour

Probably a good idea for the SOFT owners to organise a Rock The Region tour and come up with a tour programme that goes around the Hard Rock hotels in this region ie. Hard Rock Hotel Bali, Pattaya or wherever.

Quite apt indeed. There can be a brainstorming session with SOFTies who sign up, while helping the community by bringing us closer together. Just like some of my car enthusiast friends always organise car trips up north and go makan and just drive and enjoy the company.

Hell, we can even talk to the Hard Rock hotels we are visiting and ask them whether they can allot a set for us visiting Singaporean SOFTies to jam and show the locals what we have to offer, all in the name of fun and peace and joy to the world. Hee hee...

For those working full-time jobs, I think if everyone likes this idea - it can be sort of a weekend getaway. Friday we leave and come back on Sunday night. Just nice.

I just saw an advertisement of the new (issit?) Hard Rock Hotel Pattaya. Looks damn nice leh the place.

What do you guys think?
How is Hard Rock Cafe now anyways?

Still happening?

Which band playing there now?

And when exactly is Hard Rock Cafe in Changi Terminal 3 opening officially?

hecklerkoch, i dont think doing gigs will get more people coming to SOFT. There are so many gigs going on out there already.

HRC is nice. Go and order the root beer float. Cheap and nice.