Plan, plan and plan...
Yes, I concur with THOA's suggestions.
I believe that like everything else, the process needs to be simplified to cater to just about everybody.
Different people here may have different objectives and perspectives regarding the whole local music promotion thing.
Some people would like to think more of it being a profitable business, some think passion and the love for music in general. Some people are just coming out and experimenting, while others are sort of established and want to take their music to the next level. Some people are just even contented to expand their social network and regard music as a stress reliever but some take it really seriously.
We have a gamut of individuals and people who have different ideas altogether about how the whole experience of visiting should be like, including the owner(s) and moderators.
So, it all boils down to what these people, who have given birth to this whole SOFT thing and we bunch of SOFTies, want. Come up with a simple list of basic objectives that are fundamental and critical to how things move forward from now on and then consult the SOFT community. Then, move on from there.
Right now, I think most of us are agreeable that a nice transition would be from a strictly forum based website to one with the necessary graphical elements that will provide a nice aesthetic to the overall experience of interaction with both the website and the community within. That means, keeping the forum element (duh! hee hee) but introduce a sort of more welcoming first impression for entry to the site and thus making it more memorable to any user. That will satisfy the marketing aspect of making the surfng experience a visually pleasant one. Of course, navigation is also very, very important. No point having fantastic graphics but the website user ends up feeling lost and that horrible experience will most probably leave a negative impression and he or she will not return.
Thus, I think before we all continue all these wild ideas and get the administrators confused, it is really imperative that a list of common realistic goals be laid out and discussed, before anything practical can be done.
Do we want to look just like another website like Audioreload or a host of other websites that share the same goals as SOFT? Or do we want an original, fresh flavour while still satisfying at least 80% of what we want to achieve out of this website and this beloved community of ours.
I haven't scoured through but have there been any events where SOFTies have met each other in person and shared ideas and experiences? Besides being an excellent avenue to network, publicise and reach out to the existing communities and newbies - I think it is critical as a community to at least be able to put the faces to the respective nicknames. It'll hopefully bring us closer together and know what are our plans for the local music scene and how we can each contribute ideas to make it more vibrant or even profitable.
I can already see the myriad of business and service providers jumping at this opportunity to sell their services and reach out to the consumers who regularly need their jamming or recording studios/their musical instrument products/music video production etc etc.
So, let's all (at least those who are really interested and are able to contribute in any tangible way) brainstorm on exactly how to move forward since we are so passionate about what we are doing now.
How about it?