Earth Hour

oh yeah. if u guys still think that this is about the 1 hour, pls try to think a little bigger than that =]
the list can go on. but obviously people only respond to glamourous media gimmicks, as long as they are not inconvenient. that is disgusting.

the purpose of Earth hour is to create awareness and let everyone know that they can do something about it. even if its JUST for one hour.
thus with that in mind, the idea behind it is to let everyone know that even if you're doing something small. it will help earth no matter how small.
you start small. turning off your lights for 1hour will help to create a mentality of learning to save the environment by doing something.
hence the small step will let people move on to taking bigger steps.
Participate then participate loh. Dun then dun loh. Media gimmick or not. Who cares.
No1s really losing out r they?
Im... not too concerned abt earth. *shrugs*
i am seldom moved to comment on goings-on here. but...


to shinobi and tim098: do you really think there is no effect in the long run? then why do private companies run advertising campaigns? why do we have swee lee sales? why does our government make social studies a compulsory subject? why is national education implemented in schools? why teach civics and moral education?

for all the people it will not affect, some are affected. some will choose to buy fender and gibson instead of unbranded guitars. some people will learn about swee lee or choose to patronise it. a number of school children will learn to assess sources (data), question provenance and reliability and usefulness (good skills!), and will grow up with a certain kind of values about singapore (be it good or bad), and about how to behave in society (probably good).

i can see your point of view that earth hour is not an ideal action. it is true some people will not pick up earth-friendly habits right away. but it raises awareness and teaches people what they can do. did you learn to walk with just one try? to talk? to do algebra? to write a good essay? to play music?

more importantly, it shows our world leaders the will of the "masses". as it is, most of the decisions made in our world are no longer democratic. governments at least appear democratic, but actually are run by an elite who do not represent what the people really want (e.g. corporate influence in american politics). and as our world becomes more and more firmly capitalist in values and outlook, the capitalists, i.e. the wealthy, the business owners, are the ones in power. already, the biggest corporations are richer than the poorest countries. our whole lives are oriented around accumulating wealth and spending it (on stuff we don't need). we forget about love, and family, and human dignity, and the environment. (especially for us in the first world.. as we're disconnected from the exploitation of humans and nature in the third world)

for e.g., just one of the many takes on this issue -

like tyler durden says: Man, I see in fight club the strongest and smartest men who've ever lived. I see all this potential, and I see squandering. God damn it, an entire generation pumping gas, waiting tables; slaves with white collars. Advertising has us chasing cars and clothes, working jobs we hate so we can buy shit we don't need.

we need to reclaim our voice! (or maybe our minds) we need to break the stranglehold the corporations/capitalists have on the people.

the point of earth hour is to show that we still have a voice. that we still want certain things (or do we? judging from responses here, perhaps we don't really care about our environment and our future).

yes, it is only one drop in the mighty ocean we have to cross to make our presence on earth sustainable. but every drop counts! unless you think that there are better alternatives? giving up is not a real answer. that's just escaping the issue (which is bad, as our environment will deteriorate even more while we struggle to come to terms with it). like someone has said: offer constructive alternatives instead of just telling us it's useless


oops. sorry but there it is. all spilled out, for what it's worth...
Again, the subject on whether or not global warming has anything to do with man-made activities is subject to debate, and there has been no concrete point to an absolute answer. We barely scratched the surface of how significant our actions are for the past couple of decades, because industrialisation is a recent affair. It is also a fast evolving one, the kind of evolution that beats nature itself in terms of speed.

So is global warming man-made? I certainly don't know. But if this fear, justified or otherwise, is spurning us to create ways to harness cleaner, prolonged and ultimately CHEAPER energy resources, heck, I'm all for it. Gonna help my bills.

Anyway, how effective is Earth Hour? There is a higher degree of awareness on what the campaign is about. People are either for or against it. I'd say, being against it is better than being completely ignorant about it. Earth Hour creates that awareness. The fact that this thread is created and we are having an argument about it shows that it works.

True, one single hour isn't gonna do squat. Most folks would exercise this as a show of support. But will the practice carry on from here? Of course I would agree that most of the time, a major bulk of the participants is gonna fall back to their ordinary routine lives. But why are we looking whether or not it is effective on other peple? Why question how it affects how others are gonna behave ? I say, screw what other people do; whether or not they are helping to the cause is their own business. What matters how YOU are helping to the cause, if you choose to help at all.

Being critical of others on how they're just being caught on something fashionable and trendy isn't contributing to anything. We must put that critical eye on ourselves, if you are serious about helping the Earth, then let the effort not be wasted on you. If you never believed it in the first place, then it's really fine too. Applaud yourself for not falling for some marketing gimmick done by some corporate or governmental scumbag.

In the end, why question the action of others? You serve your own selves. We are selfish creatures to begin with. We act on what serves us best. War, pollution, inflation, recession, these are unwanted results of us wanting the best for ourselves as individuals, so when these things happen, we try our best to stop it. Why? Because these things are not serving to us as individuals. In fact they are making it worse for ourselves.

Similarly, are we saving the earth because it needs saving? Nope, we are saving the earth because WE need saving. Does every other species in this world give a damn if humans die? Of course not. We are doing this only because of us.
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these campaigns to raise awareness are for the future.
It may not affect you, but please, think about the future generations. You children and grand children may be affected.

Raising awareness is only the first step.
Practising it is the next step, in time to come.

And regarding global warming, if its not happenning now, it will happen soon if things stay the same.

This is all for the future of Earth, and our survival.

I am so against this because unless there are people who actually go on living like this for the rest of their lives after 'Earth Hour', this is completely useless.

And please for heaven's sake read up before you talk about global warming. Don't just think that because the whether feels hotter, the globe is warming up. That is as far from the truth as anyone can get.

Point taken regarding the first point. But for the second point, I am an Environmental Sciences student. I study about this stuff. Don't assume I don't know anything about global warming.
i have a feeling that this thread is gonna be closed ...... :rolleyes:

Quite honestly I doubt so. So far the arguments have been based on the subject, rather than an attack on any individual in particular. And the posts so far has some form of decency and intellect weighed in as well.

No reason to close it.
it takes more than just an earth hour, live earth or whatever novel , outrageous publicity stunts to tackle global warming.
Yes earth hour will raise an immediate concern about global warming, however that will most probably fade away in 2-3 weeks as people get on with their daily lives. Especially during this recession, people are more concerned about keeping their jobs than saving the would make NO sense to invest in expensive green technologies while workers being laid off. Unfortunately short term economic benefits usually have greater political clout than the long term environmental cause.

and besides, majority of the people in the developed world are already educated on the issue of global warming even without all these publicity in the media . global warming has long been imbued into the syllabus of many education systems around the world. Primary sch kids are already learning about the effects of el nino!

So having a earth hour or not makes little difference in the level of awareness, in fact i would argue the inconvenience caused during the 1 hour outweighs the benefits .

so in essence we have too much awareness, too little action. But you cant blame anyone for that human beings have to settle their immediate concern before they think about long term concerns.
Quite honestly I doubt so. So far the arguments have been based on the subject, rather than an attack on any individual in particular. And the posts so far has some form of decency and intellect weighed in as well.

No reason to close it.

In the face man.
10 Watt amps,
15 Watt amps,
30 Watt amps,
60 Watt amps,...

Quite difficult lah. Let's go acoustic, and really "unplugged", for 1 hour, how about that? ;)
Just a thought,

Have you guys change your light bulbs to energy saving ones?.

How about adopting the habit of using the air-con at 25 Degree Celsius?.
heh, all the energy saving at home, will have a greater impact on the poeple who are paying for their own electricity bill..

before telling them that they are doing a part for earth, tell them their monthly electricity bill can be lowered..
i still dun get it... y are there debates abt tis earth hour thing...

- if u support it, then good. but practice it daily. i noe a few ppl who 'support' only tat particular time. after tat at home 24hrs waste energy.

- if u dun, then fine dun support. and ya, dun talk so much oso. if u think it wun work, then just kip quite la.

wats so difficult eh?
in long long time back got this
1969: Keep Singapore Clean and Mosquito Free
1970: Keep Singapore Clean and Pollution Free
1971: Keep Singapore Pollution Free
1973: Keep Our Water Clean
1979: speak mandarin campaign
1988: Singapore is Our Home - Let's Keep It Clean and Beautiful
1990: Clean and Green Week...Green for Life
1996: save water campaign

etc etc...

do u all ever bother abt this?
It's practically impossible to get everybody to agree with you. eg, participate in earth hour. So just do what you feel right and remember there's karma.
Yep.. If everyone agreed on everything, our species would be Roboto Sapiens instead of homo sapiens. Ah well, I guess I could continue praying.. And of course do my part for the planet by cutting down on electricity usage whenever possible. I'm sure there are others who will do the same.