Earth Hour

Point taken regarding the first point. But for the second point, I am an Environmental Sciences student. I study about this stuff. Don't assume I don't know anything about global warming.

Sorry, I'll edit my previous post. You are probably more informed than me because I merely get information from internet research and the discovery/natgeo stuff.

I just don't like how they portray earth hour as some 'way' to solve global warming, if it's even possible, and if it is even something to be solved. I realise that nothing bad per se can come out of this, like THOA said. Just don't like the reactions of some people and the message Earth Hour tries to convey.
Hmmm yeah that's true.. It depends more on how we conserve energy on a personal basis. If we just turn off our lights for an hour for Earth Hour, but no more than that, it kinda defeats the purpose actually.
why are u saying that it is crap?

we as human spoil the earth. not animals. humans.
we did our share in spoiling the earth now this movement is to help HEAL the EARTH!

Now tell me i bet all of you have been complaining that its so hot and stuff. its all caused of global warming, if u don't go green and continue spoiling the earth. just by 6 degrees Celsius. OUR HUMAN RACE MAY NO LONGER BE IN EXISTENCE. why i say this? just by minor 6 degrees. our ice caps in Alaska, the Atlantic ocean's icebergs . all will be melt and water levels will rise by 9 meters.
so by 9 m of water our earth will be under water. our city will be covered by water. SINGAPORE WILL BE GONE. do u want that?
all this are proven fact. and EARTH HOUR is not only singapore. its the WORLD.

so please don't say going green is crap. if you want action why not now u go help WWF ?

it aint wrong to go green. whats so hard. are you giving up anything? its just flicking switches. is it so hard? what do u lose?

for more info on our earth and going green please go
No, what I am trying to say is that global warming is natural, it's a cycle. Or maybe not a cycle but it is something that the earth does. Dinosaurs died out, did they do something that caused the earth to do that to them?

But yes I do understand that nothing BAD can come out from switching off your lights for one hour every year, so yea. But reading up and finding out all kinds of theories and videos on global warming is extremely interesting.
I have been reading and following on global warming as well. The subject of the humans being a huge factor or not in global warming is quite a fascinating affair.

I honestly question about whether or not the believe that global warming is a humanity driven occurance is even true. Too many complicated factors need to be considered. As I had previously mentioned, industrialisation has only been introduced a couple of decades ago. Breakthrough in medical and health issues is also in tangent to that progress. Because of the improvements in living, the world population is increasing at an unprecedented scale. As the world population increase, so is the impact we have on the globe. We need more resources, so we use more, and try every means to get that little bit of extra. We have been doing that for the last couple of decades, with little to no regards to our action to the environment.

Scientist are taking a look back at the pre-historic past for an answer to global warming. However, we must be aware that pre-historical climates does not have humanity and industrial revolution in the equation. It was all nature.

So how much of what we did has an effect on the global temperature? We still have no idea. We could be the main cause, or we could just be the catalyst or trigger, or we may not be of any consequence whatsoever. I, for one, don't think that we should take any chances.

Part of the appeal of Earth Hour is because it is something so doable. Most of us can't stop a war. Most of us can't stop starvation. Most of us can't aid the poor. Most of us can't plant a tree. Most of us can't or won't donate blood even. Why? Because these are things that fall outside the scope of our routine lives.

But we can switch off the light for one hour a year. We can recycle. We can be a little conscious about our choice of transportation. These are part of the everyday for us. We are doing things to help if it is convenient, but hey, if it helps, it helps. I don't think there should be any reason to make that effort any less significant.
I honestly question about whether or not the believe that global warming is a humanity driven occurance is even true.

Well, this is the way i see it. Global warming is natural, like wat happened millions of years ago that wiped out the dinosaurs etc.(if im wrong, correct me, i saw it on discovery channel)

What humans are doing, thats the qn.
Are they contributing to the factors that accelerate global warming or not?
My views is that what we are doing right now, is actually accelerating global warming.

But, on the other hand, the Earth itself is already in a bad state. Huge amounts of methane are released from the sea, contributing to the amt of greenhouse gases in the air. (saw it on discovery channel)

so i tihnk, the real qn is how long b4 GW is at its peak and what we can do to slow it down.
i don't think the issue here is just about global warming. if we look at it from farther away, it's about how we're treating our environment, or even larger than that. this makes the technical issues re: global warming some what redundant (to me). whether we caused it, whether we can stop it, etc

but in any case, my layman take on it is:

1. the majority consensus is that global warming is occurring (AFAIK, based on my sources, e.g. NOAA, journal articles from a few years back, etc). it doesnt matter whether it's human-induced

2. do humans have a big impact on weather/climate, i.e. do our actions now matter? yes i believe so. when flights were grounded after 9/11, the US saw dramatic changes in weather just due to the lack of contrails generated by flights (see global dimming). just 2 days. of course weather/climate is a very complex system and ... well. my yes is a conservative yes.

anyway, back to the real issue: we need to look after our environment more. we need to consume less. especially if the consumption is needless.

the way our world is structured now, our lives are defined in large part by what we consume (what we can afford). our identity is often related to our material quality of living (e.g. atas vs heartlander). advertising makes us demand things we don't need. think of how many items we really need, and how many more only confer status and prestige.

companies engineer products to fail within a certain number of years (this is discussed in industrial design journals!). this is a wasteful use of resources. not just in terms of raw materials and man-hours, but also costs of waste disposal and storage, and harm to the environment in extracting resources.

in order to consume, we work our lives away and sacrifice our happiness - our leisure time, our social connections with family and community, our dignity (and some say morals). what is the point? what is progress? are we progressing when we have more material products, and cycle through them in shorter periods of time? why is this the goal of most societies in the world? (just because as i mentioned earlier, corporations are the real powers in the world today, not governments, and they control the media, which affects our minds?) and should this be our goal?

and just for this, we are putting a huge strain on the environment. do we know the cost of extracting natural resources? the damage caused by oil exploration and extraction? the air pollution caused in manufacturing plastics and metals, and in incinerating wastes? the costs of secure landfills for waste? the deforestation caused by mining, farming, and cattle ranching to supply our Macdonald burgers? how about the cost of armed conflict over the control of resources? blood diamonds from angola? crude oil from nigeria? soccer balls made by child labour in sweatshops in pakistan? the social cost of conflict? the human and social costs of income inequality and class divides (starvation, illness, premature death, terrible standards of living)?

a lot of these costs are not paid by the consumer. neither are they paid by the corporations. they're paid by whoever happens to live there. the locals. the third-worlders. the people who live downwind of the incineration plant. the people who live over old (toxic) landfills. how about the cost on the globe possibly (global warming), and the fearful cost of how terribly irreversible some of these things might be?

why don't we consume less? then we can work less (and care more, love more). and perhaps we can restore and sustain our environments. but we can't work less, because we would fall behind. because we live in a competitive capitalistic world (and capitalism is good because it promotes competition). they can't work less either, or they would fall behind too.

i'm not saying we should be communists or anarchists, but if the people could speak up more against big business, against governments, perhaps we will be able to get what we really want, deep inside.

this is what earth hour is about in the bigger picture. not just one hour. not just global warming. but how society is organised and how we live our lives. who are we? who are you?

and if you say to make change we have to do politics (and politics is reserved for the elite here in singapore), our actions are peanuts, etc. then why aren't we acting for earth hour? that's at least something we could all do.

like THOA says:

Part of the appeal of Earth Hour is because it is something so doable. Most of us can't stop a war. Most of us can't stop starvation. Most of us can't aid the poor. Most of us can't plant a tree. Most of us can't or won't donate blood even. Why? Because these are things that fall outside the scope of our routine lives.

(though I think "falling outside the scope of our routine lives" is just an excuse for apathy, or a cynical realism)
for all who seriously, crazily, even violently disagree about global warming, or any so kind of impact humans play on the earth, why don't you watch an inconvenient truth by al gore. though no one single source can tell you everything about global warming, and yes industrialization, medicine, etc are all growing at equally fast paces, there's definitely something we're doing wrong that is affecting the temperature and natures balance of our earth.

according to scientist, the earth has gone through many (i think this is the 7th) cycle in its lifespan and its only in this last cycle that humans existed (pls correct me if i'm wrong). and temperature-wise we are the one cycle that has reached the hottest peak (you can see this in the movie). i'm sure the movie doesn't lie about the statistics it states as if it has lied in any way there would've been a big huuhaa about it. he even won a nobel or smtg like that for that movie.

so while we can argue day and night about what is heating up the earth, isn't it easier to try to cool it down while we argue?

sometimes its not always about finding the source of the problem only. we can do that AND aleviate the problem at the same time.

hence awareness.

hence earth hour.

hence our arguments.

hence (hopefully) our actions =]

i just pray nobody joins this group of ppl:
Woa.. Just switch off the lights, hand phone charger, amps, PC, air-con (open window), jump in the bed, turn on something else and have some fun uh..1 hour.. haha

You can even save more Earth by going more than 1 hour.. Peace! :)