drop d playing help


New member
everytime i play the bottom three openly in drop d, i get a really undefined sound, unlike playing regular chords excluding the bottom string. anyway way to counter this?

im using a set of 9s, could the lack of tension in the bottom string be causing this? thanks!
Um is it because the notes change on the bottom 3 strings, and you're actually getting a totally wrong chord? Im not too sure abt your question.
yeah i know about the note changes, just that when im playing open strings like


i get a really crappy, neither-here-nor-there-sound.
yea, by digital tuner. but for other chords like


etc etc sounds alrite. for drop d open strings chords, do i need to get stiffer strings? im using 9s lol
9s are okay for drop d.

If your open D power chord sounds so thin, how abt the other chords? Its highly likely your amp settings are at fault..
maybe i have to tweak my effects and stuff abit. but would thicker guage strings help it to be more full-sounding and defined?

shit wrong section


Bascially, yes. The thicker the guage, the more body there is to the tone. Mind you, its not a drastic increase in thickness, it isn't like upping your mids for a fatter tone. Its more subtle but its a must if you are very intent on chugging. Also helps with the tighness of the chug.

10s are a good mid point...
Try upping your bass alittle and mess with the EQ abit. A good setting for lead probably won't do it for a rhytm tone. You can also consider using 9-46s gauge, if you don't really want to move up to 10s.
My guess is simply because you are picking pretty hard, your strings go out of tune as you hit the chord. Thicker gauge strings will help to rectify this but I would say, watch the strength of your attack as well.

Since you didn't elaborate on your setup, I am going to assume that you are using a hard tail bridge as opposed to one with a trem.

Again, your problem might be completely unrelated to anything that any of us have said but its impossible to determine the exact cause without seeing it for ourselves.
what is drop D open string?

For drop D if you play without any fretting yeah it sounds like a weird chord. Its drop D not open D, totally different thing. I used 9s for drop
D it was ok.

Another thing that I encountered was this guy said when he dropped D his string tension was too tight... I was like what? So what happened was instead of dropping the E to D he tuned up!!! Yes this is a true story.....you know us guys... no means yes.

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