Dress sense.

Evrux said:
wat? who is afiq?

1. You're from VS.
2. You mentioned your flying V with the liscenced floyd rose.
3. You mentioned your Suzuki.
4. You say you're a metalhead.

Ding dong Mr Handsome, it's Afiq! =D
lalala: he's actually a nice guy lah. maybe he gets abit sensitive when you insult his genre. (which I never did, but lol they all take offense so easily.)

ahahaha. so can we get back on topic? lol
kids kids kids. guys,
we are all musicians man.
whats this dissing abt.
not very nice is it.
dun think james would want to see stuff like that goin on in soft.
dun think anyone would.
dun let a harmless topic spoil the friendship and the music we have in our blood.

rock on people \m/
true, the music should speak for itself but a good image never hurts either. it's nice to see original dressing up on stage cos when you are up there people are looking and not just listening. : )
Re: asdas

khai_stereotype said:
its not how u wear its how u play.

system of a down's music is very dramatics


ya man...its really on how u play tt really matters the most...dressing..hmm..to me its jus subsequent...
we should all agree that the music is above all, no matter what.

but when you have several performers of the same calibre, how you carry yourself, how you work the crowd, what image you build for yourself and how you use it all can help make you a better PERFORMER and that in my opinion, makes you a better band.
haha i thought its more of the audience who dress so trendily as compared to the band.

i mean didn't anyone realise it was like some fashion parade at baybeats 2005? compare what the band on stage is wearing to what the audience are wearing.

the esplanade ain't no catwalk. then again, haha its just typical.

not that the clothes detract the essence of the band. if that were the case, then you were already judging the calibre of the band based on what they wore and how they appear. so that would mean that you weren't really paying attention to what they played no?

who cares what they wear? we're all (or rather, only) interested in the music. and music, transcends (almost) everything.

so kick up a fuss over what musicians wear? dont expect them to go play nekkid no?
I suppose I might have appeared to made it seem as though one's dressing is more important than the music. Let me clear the confusion: it is definately, definately not.

As musicians, music is our top and utmost priority. Without our music, we are nothing. A good musician is defined by his musical talent and ability and a bad musician by his lack thereof.

But what I am referring to is musicians as PERFORMERS. When you are performing on stage, there are several things in addition to your music that is being observed and it is all seen as part of your performance in addition to the music that you play.

- the image and persona you build.
- the way you carry yourself- getting on stage, playing on stage, getting off stage.
- the messages you send, the "patter" between the songs
- how you deal with any technical difficulty
- the way you work and interact within the band and with your crew.
- the way you work and interact with the audience.
- many, many other minute details and factors
- how aware you are of all these factors
- how you use all these factors to improve your performance

If you do all these well (and dressing the part is part of it), your performance will definitely be enriched.

And (think about it) when it comes down to it, while people appreciate good musical ability, they thoroughly enjoy a good performance more. The music is definitely damn bloody important, but as in the instance of shows like Rockstar INXS, crowds are drawn more to musical talent which is supplemented with good performance.

As a result, less technically talented bands who can evoke more emotion in the crowd draw larger crowds and ultimately become bigger, more famous bands. And isn't that what we all want, whether it's to be heard by a larger audience, to spread a noble cause or simply for the lust of money, glitz and glamour?

I hope I finally got my views across more clearly. =)
Don't judge people by what they are wearing. Ever.
Its true though waht you say - bands can at professional, and become better performers