lol, i second what lalala says.
essentially, u gotta be happy, i guess. who gives a cracked five cent coin what the hell someone else thinks of u? theres no point in that. u like black, u wear black. u like pink, u wear pink. no ones stopping u, and u shldnt let people's opinions and their stearotyped minds affect u, u are u, they are they.
also, music, i feel, is for the further development of *urself* as a person, pleasing someone(s) else comes as a by product imho. u can't make music that u don't enjoy that other people like, u'll simply screw up somehow.
blackmoo :: i don't think anyone needs to prove anything here, people dress as they do sometimes to express themselves as well, its more of a personal thing. also, what might make u bang ur head to the music does not equals to what will make others bang their heads, so theres no proving to be done, i suppose its more of the enjoy urself and screw others mentality at play here :twisted: