

Anyone wants to share out the dreams and visions they hope to achieve musically? Like making a career out of it etc. Guess it will be good to share with fellow musicians who understand you when the world tries to put you down.
i think i'll start haha( almost 12 hour sinces the ts posted)

i want to be a conductor when i grow up.
and also at the same time i want to write guitar scores.
as in guitar scores for the niibori guitar ensemble, since like there's very little scores available for those ensembles compared to say the strings ensemble.

to get there, i'm planning to pursue music as a A lvl subject,
work hard to be the student conductor of my school's guitar ensemble
and make my profolio as good as possible so that there's a high chance of me getting into berklee. dont' ask me why berklee, i've no idea too.

now that i've said mind, anyone else like to share?

My two dreams are:

To be a successful musician, playing gigs and shows, making original songs with my bands, and even going overseas to play shows too.

To be a successful writer, releasing both fiction and non-fiction books, though my niche would probably be fantasy/science fiction since I like to create new worlds.

And best of all, being a professional guitarist and a professional writer at the same time, while doing a main career concerning environmental sciences since that's my field of study. Let's see how it goes. In my opinion, Singapore needs more good writers. There're local works that I've read and found way too many errors for them to be competent with the world industry.
I want to be a professional guitarist. Hopefully, to be a guitar teacher after that. Then, open a jamming studio.

All in all, my dream is to be successful in music. :D
Hmm... If let's say I went with my music dreams instead of my teaching dreams, it'll be to set up my band and rock on. Perhaps retire from music and open up a music shop selling keys and guitars for pros and amutuers