Dont feel guilty when you eat.

noooo! candice you must look healthy... dead looking sheeps are not good enough to make mutton steaks!
O.O!!! NOOOOO KAYE WANTS TO EAT ME! Why you evil tuna fish. Fishes can't eat sheep okay! They eat worms only! :twisted:
HOW MANY TIMES MUST I EXPLAIN! i'm not a normal tuna fish.. I"M THE TUNA QUEEN! get that.. i can eat anything.. esp mutton! :twisted: :twisted:
Kaye! Tuna queen so what? Mouth not big enough to eat a big sheep like me! LOL! Unless you're a whale, can swallow me whole.. :?
Yeah, how true is the article! I felt guilty of comparing numbers, diets, etc..blah. It's quite hard NOT to talk about being fat because EVERY GIRL THINKS SHE'S FAT. :roll: It's true. Unless you're some celebrity or yoga master or model. There's a little fat complex in every girl.

Naturally, I don't eat a lot, so I'm not really affected by fat, it's just the flab. SO..I'm going to start exercising. :D
Kaye said:
stillwater: Yes! i'm actually trying to loose some weight.. been running around recently.. haha but i still got to admit i'm fat.

I dont get the motivation to lose weight leh. Lose weight as in try to be healthy, which also leads coincidentally to good looks.
psss.. i have been 'trying' though i'm eating my mum's yummy beehoon. Anyway.. if you dont have the movitation then wait for something that will give you that urge to loose weight.. actually i'm waiting for that urge.. my fav line: I'm waiting for john mayer to propose to me, then i'll slim down. heh.. jus jokin. :twisted:
serialninja said:
good health isn't enough motivation?
i actually can survive a month w/o meat. veggies. isn't that healthy enough? i only want to lose weight to look good. but looking good doesnt seem like its the motivation for me.
Yea, try being vegetarian for once. It's really healthy.

I was forced to eat vegetarian for about 2 weeks when I was trekking in North India. Everyone were muttering "meat, lamb, burger" in their sleep but I didn't really mind (maybe I was too tired?). They could have used better recipes though. Of course, I didn't go fully vegetarian... :roll: I had a pack of bak kwa in my bag. Had to ration it with a friend...a quarter piece a sad. :?
I don't give a fvck, I see mcdonalds, I hantam. Burger king? I wack as well.

Well seriously, who cares when you're pounding down 20km a week?
nope i feel eating must be controlled, even as an avid food fan..


although u may not see it now, the fats that clog up your arteries is not easily removed not even by excercise, this is especially dangerous to people who think they wont grow fat and eat alot of oily food. u guys probably know how how many people have high blood pressure and cholestrerol today right ..?

also , a balanced diet is especially important, research has shown too much meat causes colon cancer..

Healthy living should start young, please give it a serious thought and treasure yourselves..I feel that is something that is lacking in a lot of singaporean youngsters now, they take everything for granted and do watever they like, when listening to your parents should be the way..

as the saying goes 病从口入 ( dieseases enter from the mouth) , lets all start healthy living!!
ya la. I mean, even if I could live to a 100 years, I wouldn't call it much of a life,if I was deprived of good food.
Vaiyen said:
well, we all die sooner or later. might as well enjoy life while we can.

We could choose to eat healthily and live longer and enjoy more food not too often.

or we could choose to eat oily and fatty food and live till 60 and die.
