Does S'pore Drummers Here In "Soft" Have Meet-Ups

Hi Bros:-

I was wondering, does Drummers here in "Soft" have frequent meet-ups....I don't know what you all call that eg....something like meet-up, share drumming skills & experience since, it's so convenient, as most of us are residing in Singapore?

Reasons as to why I asked this is because I notice those American Drummers (even the Professionals ones) does share their knowledge in the area of Drumming between one another, like a family (I wonder if that is their culture or what), but one thing I know is that the majority of the good Drummers are mostly American's Drummer....This could be attributed to the above - where I realise they humble themselve, share and asked other drummers eg "Hey How Do You Do That?".........

I think this is a good thing, where Family of Drummers could gathered together, share and improve altogether.

How often do you all have such meet-ups, may I know? and when is the comming one?.......Pardon me for asking as I literally very new still in Soft.....and I'm really looking forward to this kind of activity within Soft.

Thank You !
the main man alfie use to organise them and i heard one is comming up.
the exchanges are alright, they cld be better, alot of the times its just afew people sharing and no one asking questions.
how come no one ask questions haha

i am interested in such events too

cos in a band, the drummer unless guitarist/bassist cant really share tecniques and stuff haha
In the Ph, we call this EB (Eye Ball)
Just for info... EB was a term popularized during the golden era of two way radios..
well it's always a great idea to host such events... everyone gathered in a room and goes about their formal introduction and talking about the common passion we all have.

i myself have never been into one but really would love to be there if there would be one coming up... a few soft had already brainstorm it during the swee lee sales when i was with them so yeah.. but constraints such as school, work, other activities etc makes it a wee bit harder for some..
I think these 'Exchange" or "Meet-Ups" are very very good. I believe - Most of these Drummers in Soft that will attend will be either (1) Hobbiest (2) Drum Students (3) People who are interested but is entirely new to drumming. For (4) Instructors & Professionals...I hope they will likewise join in, but we all know these Professionals are very very tied-up with their time.

Main purpose of this sort of gathering is to SHARE & LEARN FROM EACH OTHER.......Individuals decide for themselve what they wanna learn...feel free to ask...but we should not critisize anyone (to keep it healthy)...afterall, it's a willingness to share by that we appreciate....also it's good for us here to get to know each other better friends (all sharing the same passion). Personal Touch is important as you know, we only communicate in the forum, with many a times not knowing who the other party is.

My house is not bery bery big, but I can open up for meetup like these if you all wouldn't mind. The only thing is - I HAVE TO WAIT TILL ME WIFY FLEW-OFF...than we can all play. My Hall (small) but there is 3 Drum Kit...but preferably - we use only ONE KIT - This way we all can share altogether....I'll keep you all updated when me wify fly - then we arrange a suitable time..convenience for all of us.

Many say (In DrummerWorld) Bassists, Painists, Guitarists and most Other Musician are not as closely-knitted sharing heir passion as the Drumming Community - I proposed if we could likewise upkeep this kind of spirit here in Singapore - through SOFT...can we?.....The main intention is to share - so that all of us improve through time...there's is no competition here among us drummers...just sharing & upkeeping that Drumming spirit.

Drumming is tough, we should assist one another through - INSPIRATION & UP-KEEPING our DRUMMING SPIRIT.

PS: - Can anyone here also, if ok -open up a place for everyone? that we can have a few different venues for this kind of meet-up if possible.

Cheers !
Sounds interesting guys...hmm, im thinking if anyone can book a hall in their church or something on a saturday morning cos usually churhces got practices or services in sat afternoons. Just a suggestion. Would be cool to meet up with everyone especially, drum-hobbyist and his cymbals!!!
Haha even with his gigantic array of cymbals, you wouldnt expect him to lug it all right? Im sure he is human ( although his collection is quite the cotnrary ).... :lol:

Drum circles have been organized before in sg....the last time they had 1 was last year...quite sometime back...

taking into consideration that most of the guys there are working professionals...its quite hard for us to all agree on 1 date...hard but not impossible...

haha i can only hope...nothing beats seeing local drummers shred! :D
Most PA has a few Studios (for rental) some even recording they do have Drum Kits there (though the Cymbals are Crappy & Kits are low-end kit)..but a Studio is too small and cannot house all of us....cramp up.

I was just wondering - You know those Badminton Halls at the People's Association (usually 2 Courts with a stage on top)?..I've seen Malay Wedding held there too.

I really wonder if, PA allows/permit to rent the Badminton Hall for's bigger, more spacious too...but I wonder if it's hot. My place here the Badminton hall - got no air-con one...only fans.

I"ll try to check it out too here...hopefully it's not expensive...we just pay the Members fees for s Courts...Kekekeke :lol: . THis can also be an least won't get soak in the rain too.
This is wonderful! Missed those Drummers Exchanges! I did attend one or two last few years. Organised by DA man, Alfe! A pity he is rather busy nowadays. It was rather good as you get to interact with different drummers from all walks of life in Singapore and learn from them, share techniques. experiences and tips, though only a handful turn up but still it is great. Am still looking forward for the next one.

Those days when I started attending it was held in Boons Studio (Largest Room) with amps and all, there is even some percussion kits if I remembered correctly. And there was once it was held in some studio in Fort Canning and sadly that was the last time it was held till now. I think it was somewhere mid last year.

I'll keep checking in for new updates. And Oh, I've got a suggestion, anyone been to Lcube? I have not personally jam there but been there once for the opening. Seems like a cool place and the largest room can accomodate quite a lot people, Mini stage setup. Worth to check it out for exchanges.
Let's have a tentative date in Mid-Feb.

This kind of gathering needs planning.

I don't mind helping out.
i suggest we ask nigel if he got anyone to make some clinic, or better still, we make our own clinic....
meeting up in a hall or somewhere..

if not we meet up for some lunch...
den haf a tour to go to both the cymabl pimps here..
RudimentalDrummer and Drum_hobbyist
Hey Bros

I spoke to Nigel when he came to my home...He said he is planning to bring "Gregg Bishonette" in for a Clinic this 2007 (no exact date as yet)....who is an endorsee for Mapex.
Gregg B is solid pop-rock drummer. Would be fun to see and learn from him cos in his DVD he seems quite animated..heh..Anyways, can someone pleas eset the date for the exchange. I really dun mind meeting up even though if it will be just like 5 of us.

oooh he is damn gd man, he is really an awesome jazz and blues drummer as well. he's got a really nice swing feel.
cool! my suggestion, if anyone's willing to go through the hassle of brining a simple 5 piece set, book like what RD said, a Multi purpose hall where weddings used to be held at and hold our gathering there.

rental wise i don't really know but everyone can give a little chip in and would be cheaper coz the more, the merrier:d... nvr really been to one gathering b4.. quite new to the forums la...

RD, DH, u got to pimp my cymbals.. i mean share ur cymbals.. someone might get into that cymbal and go to the store u bought it for and get it!