Do you think guitar buy/sell section has become more hostile lately?


New member
I dunno it seems like there are more thread spoilers.. more flaming.. more craps.. unlike before.. Would like it to be more.. brotherhood kind of thing hahax =D
well, people are behind the "safety barrier" which is their monitor screens... we really don't need any of those around here.
no , the buy and sell thread is the most awesome place since ebay hahaha , just don't ask stupid questions la , we are after all human not really good laa haha.. I think Buy/Sell need more ppl from How-to and Rookie Corner to.. go and mediate(sometimes) or give info =D, and ppl are repeatedly posting lately.. I thought the rule was 4 days or something hahax..
My threads never kanna flame before.....I never flame anyone before(not intentionally anyway)....I don't see why people get so angry over small little things, then again its so like us Singaporeans to do so.......
i am yet to kena from them
hahaha,my personal experience buying and selling from the thread so far
is quite pleasing

some nice people to buy and sell to
well ... so far my deals both buying & selling ok .. no major problems ..

yeah bass section kinda quiet unless Aquanaut posting - then sparks fly one
So far so good for me, I have bought a guitar from fellow softie thomscat & a multi efx from ep.tjan, both cool dudes, hope it will stay that way.
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bass buy/sell is really peaceful. as peaceful as a cemetery. no deals, no buyers :(
Not quite Shinobi -- I bought a bass from that section yesterday-- but it is quiter than guitar. anyway - yeh there are some spoilers around bt in the main most postings are still Good. This is a great service-- these guys provide us with a great opportunity to buy and sell our music gear-- meet other musos--best site around!!
So problem faced from me too!! Because the thing I wanna sell never get sold. Hehehehe!! In the end I kept using it and now was glad never sell it in the first place.