do u think Jimi Hendrix looks like. ...

*What a great goal by Jimi Hendrix!*

*Now we see Thierry Henry and his delicious licks on his guitar...*

Considering that both individuals are of African heritage... well I can almost imagine those african guys saying on their forums how (place random South korean / Japanese footballer name here) looks like (place random taiwanese male singer name here).

Hope you get my point :wink:
i went google around for this Thierry Henry you mentioned.. but non of the pic give me any single impression of hendrix.. so.. stop.. ya..
by my nature, i dislike soccer for no reason and dont watch soccer at all.. is that suprising? haha...
Dear sgtpepper, James deleted the previous thread with this rather offending degrading to women picture. Why are you repeating the same mistake?

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