discussion/pov of bros/sis in christ

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not too sure abt the martin luther king thing. but im of the impression that he was the one who spurred people of like belief to break away.

in any case, i havent gotten a chance to watch the exorcism show :( got so many nice shows i wanna watch, but dumb Os get in the way of everything.

almost every different christian branches branched out from RCs since a long time ago as they did not agree with certain practises of the RC...

many of the christian branches as well as the RCs are changing... but the thing is that, once churches spilt, they seldom unite again...
uniting may not be possible anymore, due to past differences, but whats most important is living out what u believe in, and continuing the legacy that Jesus left us, and shaping ourselves into the people HE envisioned us to be when he created us in the beginning.
nak said:
it really touched me in a way. i have been a christian all my live but have been a very bad one, ive strayed from the path time and time again. but this show really touched my heart, i shall work my way back in faith and belief back to the path of christ.

Praise the Lord ~!
I think it is important I say this.

Roman Catholics are Roman Catholics.

Protestants are protestants.

We didn't protest 400 years ago for some silly reason or small difference. These were differences that effect foundational doctrine and lead to issues regarding what is most important: The person of Christ and His authority, Our salvation and so on.

I am disappointed that so many of us Protestants know little of why we had to protest and break away in the first place. The Reformers would have struggled in vain!

We have to know some things. There are simply too many mis-understandings due to lack of plain and proper knowledge. Either we read a little and assume, or we don't read at all.

You have to learn and find out for yourself. We have detailed records of what happened during the Reformation where we broke away... please, do go and read. Ask your Church leaders, not your friend but your Pastor.

And if you do not wish to read up history, please compare our doctrine/teachings with the RC teachings. How? Using the perfect and undeniable truth, the Bible.

That said, please do not mis-understand me. I'm not against the RC, in fact, I have RC friends. However, when it comes to fundamental doctrines of the Christian Faith, I must draw a line between what is acceptable and what is not...and stand by it. I understand it will be the same for the RC.
Agreed ~

"judge not, lest ye be judged"

instead of squabbling over differences,
let us use this time and energy to focus on God.

It is really wonderful to hear testimony from a brother/sister in Christ,
and how a simple movie can bring them back ...
let us inspire each other with more testimonies ...
Im protestant, i appreciate ShredCow drawing a clear line there.

Anyway, God will NEVER...hear tt...NEVER EVER cause ANYONE to suffer for Him, cos Jesus took our sufferings on the cross once n for all. Its a travesty of justice for God to dishonour/undervalue the finished work of Jesus. Everything evil/bad is from the devil...God only does good.
MichaelAngelo said:
Everything evil/bad is from the devil...God only does good.

God created the devil, no?

Disclaimer: I don't mean no offence to anyone; just want to understand what exactly is the Christian's position. Cos there is a lot of disagreement even within your ranks.
Vaiyen said:
nebo: that means someone's beliefs must be wrong?

it seems as though you had this queation in mind leading from ur earlier question.

who is to say which religion is right, den ?
so PLS dun go there ...
oh come on, I already edited my comment in light of James' comment.
And I was NOT implying that your religion was wrong!
I was referring to the fact that since there are diff practices within Christianity, but only one Holy Word, it necessarily means that some branches are engaging in erroneous practices.
Pls try to comprehend what I am saying before spewing accusations! I don't appreciate that.
Vaiyen said:
oh come on, I already edited my comment in light of James' comment.
And I was NOT implying that your religion was wrong!
I was referring to the fact that since there are diff practices within Christianity, but only one Holy Word, it necessarily means that some branches are engaging in erroneous practices.
Pls try to comprehend what I am saying before spewing accusations! I don't appreciate that.

Let's leave it as dat can ??
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