dimarzio or seymour duncan better?

chey 40% i know la but i cant do the maths :lol:

anyway, pickup is personal choice. get one u like and ask someone who has it to play for u then u can hear it, like it, buy it
There are no "better" between the 2 , they both specialise in different kind of tone. Dimarzio tend to produce more modern sounding pups whereas SD tend to produce more vintage souding pups .
finrod said:
hi i now hav a SX SST62 which i got at davis and i tink that the pickups really suck..... i am tinking of change it so is dimarzio or seymour duncan better :?: :D

Strat single coil? Neither...

FENDER! :lol:
LEMONed_Z said:
finrod said:
cuz money is a big problem

give your SX SST62 to steve vai. guess what? likely he'll still sound like steve vai. blind fold all the audience and they wouldn't know the difference!


yes, the playing style will be the same, but the tone will be entirely different.
might even be a shitty tone.
it's very relative man. in general i would say dimarzio and sd pickups will most likely be better than stock mexican standard pickups. however this may not be true for the american ones - quite subjective there.

again, we're talking about different things - kinda comparing distortions with delays - they're just simply different sounding. if you were to compare a similar model Boss Distortion pedal... maybe it would be less subjective, but there is still that element of it.
Vaiyen said:
LEMONed_Z said:
finrod said:
cuz money is a big problem

give your SX SST62 to steve vai. guess what? likely he'll still sound like steve vai. blind fold all the audience and they wouldn't know the difference!


yes, the playing style will be the same, but the tone will be entirely different.
might even be a shitty tone.

I totally agree with you Vaiyen... There's got to be a shift away from this "if you play well, you will sound good no matter what axe you play" perception.
well finrod, it's like u're planning to get chicken rice for lunch.....but there's the malay nasi ayam or hainanese chicken rice. By comparing different brands, it's relatively comparing the same type of stuff but different in many aspects
haha... yeah, i guess we did! :)

In the end, its a combination of both... some guitarist use more fingers to attain their tone.. some use more efx/hardware to get their tone. In either case, there is always a mix...
when it comes to single coils, Fender (the brand) sets the standard. however, there are ready replacements which are appealing as well. i have the Fender '57/ '62 in my 50th Anniversary Strat (mid) & it simply sings:

the newer hot noiseless set by fender is recieving good reviews...pple have shunned the noiseless series since the vintage noiseless...which i personally thought was rather dead and sterile.
+10000 for Bill Lawrence. I got his NOS pups as i wasnt able to wait for 3-4 mths for a new set. N boy r they sweet clean n dirty!!! I got for S$90 each on ebay with shipping. In fact the newer ones r better improved, but i cldnt wait that long.

BUT beware of the bill lawrence USA ones... Not made by the man himself. As for who shld rightfully own the brand, i shall not comment.

IMHO, i had better results with SD than Dimarzios. I find the jb having a tighter crunch, as compared to the tonezone which was alittle airy n not as gd attack. But thats my ears....