Dhalif's Learn-A-Lick Per-Week thread!!

nolah its quite easy.. i didnt do all the starting licks. i just did the ending pedaltone lick.. check it out \m/ enjoy
wow you really listened to me...you rawk bro!


always wanted something like that.......
my definition of pedal-tone is:

-You would use a note as a "Home Base", meaning, say you take A for example. From A u play a series of notes, But A will always remain in there.

-Which means, A will be like a note that u always go back to. so it goes like this, A-B A-C A-D etc.. etc..

-and pedal tones are widely used in classical music, in this context, neo-classical. if u abide to this logic, and apply it on a harmonic minor scale, it would def remind u of the malmsteen sound!

Hope it helps!!! this is like the most laymen i can get!!! heez.. if u are still confused. PM me!!!
hi friends, sorry for the delay of this week's lesson due to Hari Raya. It will be up in no time. thanks again for your understanding.
Aiyah can lah, its just a lick.

By the way, the lick of the week is up!
Lif is experimenting with a new camera.
So, sorry for the lagginess...