Dhalif's Learn-A-Lick Per-Week thread!!


New member
hey guys.. guess im gonna try to do this thing.. ill put up the tab and video of a lick once every week and you all can learn it and benefit from it. The Aim is to help out young, promising guitar players here in soft. Enjoy and lets learn together.

First one is a pentatonic lick.. something that sounds like a little bit of zakk wylde and a little bit of petrucci because it involves 1. The Pentatonic and 2. String skipping. so it sorta gels together. Go all-Alternate picking on this up down up down. Lets try it out.


and so dhalifs back , from outer space , i just walked in to find u here with that sad look upon ur face ....

glad to see u're back :)
Amazing lesson! Full Star!!

i am really amazed how come this fella can teach students and earn some buck but prefer giving free lesson here.. kudos..

oh poor dhalif.. now your lesson seems to be in a bunch of corrupted not properly formatted html coding.. argh.. wad a mess..
I AM SO LOVING THIS!!!!!! wayyyyy to goooo dhalif!!!! KUDOS!!!! woot!! this is fun and so many things to learn from u!!!! woohoo!! i am actually quite high bout this!! muahhaha!

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