Delay pedal

theblueark said:
Maxon is true bypassed. Ibanez is not. So Ibanez is better if you want buffered bypass.

but delay tone different leh. The Ibanez on longer delay time distorts.

But yeah, i'm of the opinion that there are some things which are truely "better" than another.
theblueark said:
There you go, 2 points now, Ibanez is better if you want buffered bypass and distorting on longer delay time. :D

The ibanez is better if you like messy wiring inside...

AgingYouth said:
boardsofcanada said:
get a Roland Space Echo! woooohooo!!

You have more fun seeing the tape reeling around than you'd like to play!

CLASSIFIED: modders needed to mod a VCR Player as a delay/echo/chaos effect. Using video tapes as repeats source. RCA cables port to be turn into 1/4 mono jack is a must. able to pan. Karung Guni welcomes. :twisted:

spend some money, go japan. They have the space echo quite cheap in used market. From $200+sgd and above.

If you have friends in japan, stake out at these
site. Space echo are often seen there for cheap...

If not, try to look for this fernandes one
