Defining good sound


New member
Hi! i'm definitely new to guitar and i just want to clarify, how do u guys actually define or hear a good sound? What does it mean when somebody says "Ouh its sounds cheesy...", "Ouh it sounds bassy...". What does the term "cheesy" and "bassy" really means? How do u guys actually hear a good sound coming out from an amplifier? :wink:
when the sound makes you horny

kidding. i don't know how to define good sound lol.
You will know good tone when you hear it.
You can even smell and taste the tone. Yum.

Usually my face goes all expressionless and stoic when I hear amazing tone, weird.
Actually... penta... your statement would apply to an experienced fellow. I'm sure you have seen your friends (or others), new to guitar, turn up the amp's eq to unspeakable settings which you wouldn't touch. But hell, they like it.

Fast forward 1 year.

That dude no longer uses that setting. Realises how bad it was.

So to answer peliar's question. Well, it takes time. And a whole lot of listening. Especially listening to records.
very took me a while to get the kinda tone tt i want, and i'm still trying out different eq's to see wad kinda sound i can get...n cause i'm using an mxr 10 band's gonna take quite awhile :P but yeah...the ideal tone will come one day...and when it does, it'll make ure nutsack drop a mile undergrnd :D
well i love trebly and shrill sounds and have loved them ever since i started playing. well dats wat my frens always tell me abt my sound but i dont find any problem with it. just like how kx always uses an overwhelming amount of midrange in his playing which i dont like but he does. i guess the term good tone nowadays would refer to tones which r generally liked by the masses.

its kinda like a " one mans meat is another mans poison" situation so i guess the best thing to push individuality would be to screw all those tone monger comments and find tone thru the judgement of ur ears. dats wat i did.. (this comment is to the thread starter)
we could simply move this thread to kopitiam because basically a good guitar sound is just as subjective as a good vocal sound. Ever heard of people complaining about Celine Dion's voice, or how they hate Steven Tyler of Aerosmith sings? There just isn't a clearcut definition - however, when someone with horrible vocals sings out of pitch, a lot of people are in unison that it's bad.

In short,

Quality of sound = Good Tone (subjective) + Appropriate Technique/Phrasing + Fit in Context + Some other stuff I missed out.
hahah!! yeah...but at the end of the day, u'll know good tone when u hear it...i mean look at it this way...guitarists with an already insane tone are still looking for tt smth...eric johnson for example...
penta-tonic said:
tone is subjective. its what u like which matters. do not be corrupt by the standards of others. trust ur own ears..

Couldn't agree more. One man's meat might be another man's poison.
I based on my own hearing and as I grow older, my expectation of 'Good Sound Defination' also defers. :lol:
Always trust ur own ears lah but if lots of people tell you they dun like ur tone and hardly anyone tells u ur tone is good than maybe you should get some advice from a more experienced guitarist. :) I do think that its not a bad idea to model your tone after ur favorite band or at least get a similiar tone.

Rock on!!!

some like it hot
some like it cold
some like it in the pot, 9 days old.

tone tone tone. where to begin, this thing that is the driving force behind every guitarists quest to find the respective holy grails of sound to them.

subjectivity plays a huge part in this, cos really, although most of the ppl who like post-hardcore music generally like and appreciate sounds with main mids with a little bass, not too bright, not too mushy, there ARE ppl out there who do like the respective sounds, so my advise to you is to twiddle here fiddle there, jang jang here, jug jug there, and you'll find yourself veering to a tone that you and only you can trully identify with. something that trully defines your playing.
ahhaa. wow so cheem eh
Good tone is where you hear a chord or a note, you stop whatever you are doing, the hair on the back of you neck stands up, your mind gets sucked into someplace else and your soul feels pulled. For a moment you become unaware of anyone else in the room, and for the rest of your life, long to hear it again and again.

It exists, really.

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