
i, listen to Death...


in memory of Chuck Shuldiner, RIP...
jumbofret said:
Some ppl are not even afraid of death! In fact, they are very excited about it! Take suicide bombers as an example...

i think they're afraid too. they just really believe in what they are doing..
Really? Most of them seem really excited. Er... Best not to probe into the topic. Wait I kena haul into court for irreligious statements... You know me, I am not Politically-Correct. :wink:

My best solution on how to be prepared for death:

Screw a sexy gal before death sneaks up on you & screws you in the butt. That way,

You -> :D
Sexy gal -> :D (unless you're bad in bed)
Death -> :D

Simple, eh? The threesome of life! Hakuna matata! :twisted:
juzz remembered a poem we're asked to "interpret" and stuff..
Death Be Not Proud
anyone read that b4?
ahhhhh. The Principles of Hakuna Matata!!! :lol: Well what u wanna talk abt r those so-called "islamic rebels"? They r made up. Trust me. They r nt evn muslim. They'r just deprived of modern day technology n urban development. Thtz y they got nothing bttr to do then take God's name as an excuse to commit suicide n kill a thousand other "non-believers". If u want fearless, then Gurkhas r the 1s. Gurkhas. They rock man. Regardless of whether they'r on duty or not, they'll shoot to kill, and yes they have permission in the whole world to do so in their cool uniform with those cool hats. License to Kill - Gurkha :o
Everyone has their own beliefs, and therefore "Death" to everyone, is subjective. Some see it as a blessing. Some see it as an end. Some even seek immortality through heath enhancements and money. But once thing is constant. Death will meet us all someday. It may not be today or tommorow. But someday.
i wont want to die by suffocation, or bleeding, or drowning

i dont mind dying by a bullet, especially for my country! :lol: hahaha